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"Wheres Beomgyu?" Huening asked Yeonjun as he entered their hotel room. The oldest was sitting on his bed playing a game on his phone.

"Err talking to a teacher or something.." Yeonjun only glanced up away from his phone for a second to look at Kai; it was enough time to notice the fair sized box in his hands. "..whats in the box?"Yeonjun asked.

"Felix gave me a box of fortune cookies- except instead of fortunes in the cookies its just reasons why I should date him." Huening Kai tossed the box onto the bed next to Yeonjun and followed after. Yeonjun put his game on pause and grabbed a fortune cookie to see what he would find inside. He cracked open a cookie and pulled out the paper- then shoved both pieces of the cookie into his mouth before he read the fortune.

Reason #53: I'm Australian ;)

"So he really is Australian..." Yeonjun started thinking heavily.

Meanwhile, Huening Kai opened his messages to tell Beomgyu what happened. He scrolled to the 'B' section and clicked the first contact that came up without looking at the name properly and then quickly typed his message.

"Felix won't leave me alone! help!" He clicked send.


Soobin sat at the dinner table, eating a bowl of cereal. His eyes were half closed due to still being asleep. Taehyun and Jimin also were at the table. Jimin was talking as usual.

"So then I asked him how his day was because like thats the polite thing to do, and then he starts telling me about his great aunts grandkids and how they're horrible people because they owe his mom like six grand and that six grand was going to be for her hip surgery so now she's in a wheelchair and I'm like oh my god dude I actually don't care-" Taehyun was the only one listening to Jimin. Soobin was kind of just thinking about bread. Then, he felt his phone vibrate on the table. He swallowed the food in his mouth and then went on his phone to his messages.

HuenKING Kai😍💘👌: Felix won't leave me alone! help!

then a message following a few seconds after.

HuenKING Kai😍💘👌: srry that was for Gyu


What had happened was that Huening has Soobin's contact name as 'BINNIE' so when he went to send a message to Beomgyu, he went to the B section and clicked the first name thinking it was Beomgyu.

"I accidentally messaged Soobin instead of Beomgyu" Kai chuckled lightly. Yeonjun got a little bitter but didn't let it show.

"Oh, is he upset," Yeonjun asked, already knowing what the message said.

"No, I don't think Soobin would get worked up over something this little." Kai smiled brightly.


Soobin was very upset.

"Why are we in the flower shop?" Jimin complained as the trio entered the store. After he read the accidental message from Kai, he put his shoes on and demanded his friends followed him. Jimin and Taehyun did what he said because well.. Soobin was upset, and he's very terrifying when he's upset.

"Hello! welcome!" Jungkook smiled at the group. He was standing with a lady; helping her choose flowers for her garden since Spring was soon.

"Look." Soobin lifted up his phone in front of Jungkooks face. The shop owners face went blank and his eyes got dark.

"Who's Felix and why is he bothering Kai." Jungkook asked no one in particular.

"Thats what I'm wondering!" Soobin said a bit loud. He knew Felix by face but not by name.

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