From the first encounter, Soobin was awestruck with HueningKai, but HueningKais overprotective best friends, old romantic interests, and Soobin's thug past all cause problems for the two as their romance builds.
(side ships...
"What are you doing" Soobin asked Huening Kai one day; slightly annoyed. The younger boy was sitting on a bench outside of a coffee shop that they had planned to meet at. He wore a tight bright T shirt, kaki shorts, his curly hair was pulled back by a thick head band and his cheeks red from the hot summer day.
"I'm sitting?"
"Oh yeah? And who the fuck said you can look so good" Soobin asked in a playfully irritated tone Kais cheeks blushed red
"Soobin I'm wearing what I would usually wear any other day" Kai reminded. While this was true, Soobin couldn't help but feel that Everytime he sees his boyfriend; he looks a million times better-
"Are you wearing eye shadow?" Soobin asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah, Jimin wanted to see how I looked with it on-" Huening Kai chuckled and shyly rubbed the back of his neck "-why? Does it look bad?"
"It looks good- too good." Soobin then took off his hoodie and tried rubbing off Kais makeup. The younger quickly turned his head and held back Soobin.
"What are you doing!?"
"You can't look this good in public!" Soobin tried reaching for Huening Kais face once again but the boy held back his boyfriend by extending his leg out against Soobins belly, keeping a distance between the two.
"Stop being jealous!"
"Are you two okay?" A familiar voice caused the couple to put their feud on hold. HueningKai looked up to see who it was.
It was Yeji, and she wasn't alone.
Huening Kai brought his leg down and looked at the two girls in front of him. They looked like they came out of some sort of magazine.
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"Hey Yeji, who's this?" Soobin asked as he turned to face the two.
"Haha real funny." the girl with shorter hair rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Her face looked unamused.
"We just got done with a photo shoot. What are you two doing here?" Yeji asked Soobin.
"Huening Kai and I are going to watch a movie" the short haired girl smirked.
"Awesome! We'll come with. My name is Ryujin by the way" Ryujin grabbed Soobin and Huening Kai by their wrists and started towards the movie theatre.
"I don't need help getting there-" Huening Kai pulled his wrist away from Ryujin. He didn't bother hiding the discomfort on his face.
Then, Huening Kai grabbed his boyfriends free hand and pulled Soobin next to him; out of Ryujins hold.
"-and neither does Soobin"
"Wow, Soobins lost so much, he even lost his voice" Ryujin smirked.
"Ryu stop" Yeji lightly grabbed her friends elbow.