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"Goodmorning!" Huening greeted Soobin and Beomgyu who were sitting at the kitchen table eating bowls of cereal.

"Whats so good about it" Yeonjun grumbled bitterly. He's not a morning person. Huening on the other hand could write you a list of reasons to be happy about.

1. He's going to see Soobin this morning

2. His favorite webcomic is being updated today

3. Cats

4. He's going to see Soobin this morning

"HUENING KAI!" Beomgyu shook the younger boy slightly to snap his back in reality. Huening blinked away his confusion.

"What?" HueningKai asked, genuinely confused.

"Did you hear anything I said?" Beomgyu asked.

"Not a single word, hyung." HueningKai answered honestly. Beomgyu's face contorted into an expression that mixed disbelief and disappointment, it was only there briefly before Beomgyu repeated himself again.

"Yeonjun is staying home today because he's not feeling well, so the two of us will be going to school together" Huening frowned and looked around the kitchen for Yeonjun but quickly found out he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" Huening asked Beomgyu.

"Um, i'm guessing his room" HueningKai wasted no time in making his way to Yeonjuns room. He didn't even knock before he entered, which he probably should have, but HueningKai has a bad habit of forgetting to knock.

"Junnie!" Huening stormed into the bedroom. Yeonjun laid with his back flat against his mattress. Shirtless. In only tight boxer briefs.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Yeonjun and Huening both screamed. Yeonjun scrambled under the covers; hiding from embarrassment, while Huening shut the door and waited outside. It wasn't even that big of a deal, but the two were dramatic.

"J-Junnie, feel better soon okay? you have to pass your tests!" With that HueningKai left. Yeonjun meanwhile, was under the blankets; his heart pounding, and chest aching. Huenings words meaning so much more than anyone would have first guessed.

On the walk to school, Beomgyu and Huening walked awkwardly in silence- well for Beomgyu it was awkward. He was used to walking to school with Soobin and Huening. The three of them would always find something to laugh about, or one was usually ranting to the other two. Beomgyu was used to talking, and HueningKai was not talking. The younger boy was innocently walking and humming to himself. He looked like he was on cloud nine.

"You have a crush" Beomgyu crossed his arms and raised a brow. Huening gasped and snapped his head to look at Beomgyu with wide eyes.

"How do you- I mean.. why do you think that?" Beomgyu rolled his eyes and dropped his arms to his sides.

"Huening, you're oblivious and easy to read"

"What do you mean by that?" Beomgyu flicked Huenings forehead and continued forward to school. The younger boy pouted and rubbed the spot that was assaulted all while following after Beomgyu.

"Shut up and just tell me who you like"

"But you told me to sh-"


"AHHH SOOBIN! IT'S SOOBIN!" Huening waved his arms around dramatically while he freaked out. Beomgyu felt his heart sink. His ship has sunk.

"The boy who works across the flower shop?"

"Yes" Huening blushed at the thought of Soobin. It made Beomgyu sick. It felt like a cheesy rom-com story. Beomgyu hated cheesy rom-com stories.

"Why do you like him?"

Huening Kai thought about it. He's never actually thought about the reason why he liked Soobin. Was it the way he scrunches his nose when he laughs? was it his perfect smile? his deep soothing voice? maybe it's because Soobin listens to Huening rant about every minor inconvenience in his life, but none of those reasons seem right..

"I don't know.." Huening trailed off.

"Ugh, he's even waiting for you. Disgusting. Hurry up and catch up with him and get out of my sight" Beomgyu stuck his nose up bitterly. HueningKai didn't even mind the distaste in Beomgyus voice. The young boy was too focused on Soobin. He decides that Soobin in a red beanie should be illegal because it's not good for the faint of heart. Huening doesn't even feel guilty about leaving Beomgyu without a goodbye.

Seeing Huening running towards him, is one of Soobin's favorite things. The way Kai's soft hair bounces up and down is as elegant as falling cherry blossoms in spring.

"Were you waiting long?" Huening asked Soobin.

"No. Is your friend not coming?" Soobin asked while glancing at Beomgyu who was taking selfies with some stray dogs.

"Beomgyu? no"

"Oh okay"

Due to HueningKai's late studies, Soobin usually walks the boy after school. Instead of going to study group, he goes to the convience store. Huening sat behind the register while he studied, well initially that was the plan, but honestly he often gets distracted by talking to Soobin or Taehyun. Or both. Taehyun also helped Huening out with his school work, and his grades have actually been improving.

Today though, it was the first-day Soobin walked Huening to school. His heart was wild in his chest. His friends were going to see Soobin walking him, and that made him so happy. He felt proud to be with Soobin.

"Hey Soobin, you look really good in that beanie"

"Thank you"

"Take it off"


My head is cold"

"Why didn't you say something earlier?" Soobin didn't hesitate on yanking the beanie off his head. He slid it over the top of Huenings head. The younger boy blushed as he saw Soobin with messy hair. In honesty, Huening's head wasn't cold, he just didn't want anyone seeing Soobin with a beanie. He looked too handsome, Kai would be jealous if other people saw it too.

"Hey, do you give just anyone the clothes off your body?!" Huening scolded.

"No, only with you"

"Jeez, now I get why Beomgyu hates rom-com"

"Whats that?"

"Nothing Soobin"

"Haha, you're so funny Huening!" Soobin wrapped an arm around Huenings shoulder and pulled the smaller boy closer. HueningKai looked up at Soobin who was looking ahead minding his business. He wasn't even doing anything special, he was just existing. Soobins very existence made Huenings heart swell of happiness. He knows it sounds cheesy, but those are the facts.

I like Soobin because he exists.

Yeah, Huening thinks that sounds right.



OH HI um??? 30 votes in only 4 chapters? and over a hundred reads! im shooketh becuase I didn't think anyone would read this, but anyways yeah I'm nervous I hope this books isnt trash /.\

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