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"Where are you going?" Taehyun asked Soobin one hot afternoon. Soobin was one foot out the door when Taehyun caught him.

"Going to pick up Huening Kai from volleyball practice" Soobin answered with a smile.

"Did you fix the slushie machine like I asked?" Taehyun asked

"Ye,s" Soobin lied.

"You still have to stock"

"Yeah, I will after I pick up Kai"

"Or you can do it right now and get it out of the way, it would literally take like 2 minutes"

"Yes! Totally!.... after I pick up Kai- OKAYBYE!"


Huening Kai was not the athletic child, that was Jungkook. He was fine with that fact, but Jungkook wasn't. The eldest of the two forced Kai to attend a volleyball camp. It lasted for only a month. The practice and sport itself wasn't the unbearable part: it was the walk home that Kai despised.

The boy was still in his shorts and a white t-shirt. A blue headband pulling his long hair out of his face.

He was practicing how he would cry to Jungkook later and beg to not be forced to go back again.

Kai was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed a car drive up beside. It wasn't until the driver rolled down the window and called out to him.

"Hey!" Kai turned to the handsome stranger. He had gold curly hair and bright blue eyes, and a dimpled smile to wrap up his angelic face.

"Hey yourself," Kai said back. The stranger let his eyes scan up and down Kai's legs briefly before speaking again.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked Kai. Before our coconut haired protagonist could say a word; Soobin suddenly appeared in front of the driver's window.

"What's up, wanna give me a ride?" Soobin straightened his shoulders back and glared at the driver. The stranger's mouth dried up and he was speeding off without another word.

Soobin turned to Kai with a bright smile. He was satisfied that the stranger had driven off.

But Huening Kai was not.

"Why would he stop unless he was going to give us a ride?! JERK" he fanned his sweaty face with his hand, attempting to cool himself off as much as he was able to.

"You don't need a car! You have me!" Kai stared at Soobin with a serious and unamused face.

"You don't have four wheels or a pedal"

"No, but I do have six abs and a back"

"Yeah, this is wayyy better than a car ride" Huening Kai wrapped his arms slightly tighter around Soobin's necks; not enough to choke him, but just so that their bodies were closer. 

"Where do you want to go today?" Soobin asked his boyfriend.

"I don't care, I just wanna be with you" Huening Kai answered. Soobin smiled at the words.

The moment was interrupted by a silver jumping on the back of Kai. This startled the younger boy. He gasped out loud and his body spazzed- arms jerking around and legs kicking and flailing. Soobin couldn't keep his balance and fell, along with Kai. The cat luckily was not harmed; he jumped off of Huening Kai as soon as Kai's body reacted weirdly. 

"I hate cats" Soobin groaned. Just then the gray cat jumped on top of Soobin's belly, nonchalantly licking its paws. Kai's eyes landed on the sparkly material around the cats neck.

"THATS THE CAT THAT RAN OFF WITH MY HYUNGS BRACELET" The gray cat was suddenly scooped up by small hands decorated with expensive rings and bracelets. 

"His name is Kiwi" Jimin informed.

"Why does it seem like you pop up at the most random times," Soobin asked rhetorically as him and Kai got up from the ground.

"Why does it seem like you're never at work when you should be?" Jimin raised a brow as he stroked Kiwi's soft fur.

"Hey, can I have my hyung's bracelet back?" Kai asked Jimin.

"Oh, you stupid boy, who do you think your hyung bought the bracelet for in the first place?" Jimin smirked. 


Jungkook was watering his flowers that evening. Beomgyu sat at the register counter practicing his English with Yeonjun seated next to him; playing a game on his phone. All was peaceful- until Huening Kai stormed through the entrance.

"JUNGKOOK!" Kai yelled furiously; causing Jungkook to nearly drop the watering pot.

"Yes, baby brother?" Jungkook asked curiously. Seconds later Soobin, Jimin, and Kiwi come through the doors, and Jungkook knew what this was about. 

"Uh oh" Jungkook muttered.


"Why are you yelling?" Beomgyu asked, slightly annoyed.


"WHAT!?" Yeonjun and Beomgyu snapped their heads towards Jungkook.

This wouldn't have been an issue if it weren't for the fact that Jungkook was supposed to use that money to buy a new PlayStation for the house.


"YES, AN INVESTMENT FOR MY LOVE LIFE!" Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Huening Kai all charged at Jungkook, making the hyung drop the flower pot and sent him running for his dear life.

"This is all your fault, you know" Soobin informed Jimin.

"It's not my fault I'm so pretty" Jimin defended himself.

"SOOBIN." Taehyun angrily walked in, covered head to toe in red, blue, and green liquids.

"What happened to you?" Jimin asked Taehyun.


"Can you at least give me a-" Soobin was cut off by Taehyun tackling him onto the ground.

"SHUT UP, LIAR!" Taehyun yelled.

"Crackheads..." Jimin sighed



Hello! am I back from Hiatus? sorta :D

do people even read this still xD

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