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"Hyung, can I wear this today?" Kai asked his older brother one afternoon when he walked into the kitchen; a sparkling bracelet in his hands.

"Yeah, just don't lose it" Jungkook said before sipping on his coffee. He was seated at the table going through bills and other adult stuff. Kai knew this because Jungkook was wearing his reading glasses.


"I mean it. Thats 500$"

"I won't lose it!"


Soobin was leaving work when he ran into his boyfriend. Kai was in such a hurry to get inside the store that he didn't even notice Soobin, and probably wouldn't have if it weren't for Soobin reaching out to grab Kai's hand, halting the teenager to a stop.

"OH just the person I wanted to see" Kai smiled nervously.

"Why are you in a rush?"

"No reason- uh hey can I borrow some money? I swear I'll pay you back!"

"How much?"

"Enough for 50 gallons of milk" Soobin's eyes widened.

"Why do you need so much milk?"

"Haha funny story actually, see there's this cat that wanders around my street and its a really pretty gray color so I put Jungkooks bracelet on and it fit him like a necklace anD HE RAN AWAY WITH JUNGKOOKS 500$ BRACELET sO now I have to attract all stray cats in my neighborhood by filling up a small pool with milk in hopes of finding that cat."

"I have 20$ on me but I can steal the rest"


"Soobin I'm nervous"

"It's okay just act natural"

"How am I supposed to do that while sitting in a basket along with 50 gallons of milk?"

"I don't know, just pretend you're putting on hand cream" Kai nodded his head, taking Soobins words completely seriously. The boy started rubbing his hands together as he had lotion.

Kai and Soobin did indeed have to steal milk, and while stealing 50 gallons of milk from the market wasn't one of Kai's greatest accomplishments; he really didn't want to get in trouble by his Hyung.

His boyfriend Soobin happily offered his help, and now the two were walking out of the market. Kai in the basket along with the milk.

The couple almost got away clean but were spotted by an old lady with thick framed glasses that made her eyes look five times their actual size.

"Hey! Get back here! ThEYRE STEALING" something hit the back of Soobins head.

"...is she throwing peppermint candy at us?" Kai asked after a candy hit his forehead and landed in the cart

"She's a good aim too; hold on Kai"

"What do you- AHHHH!" Kai gripped the sides of the cart basket as Soobin broke out into a sprint. He knew Soobin was in shape but he didn't think Soobin could put a cart full of milk and Kai so easily ["what even is my life at this point" ~ Kai]

The old lady chased the two until she was no longer in sight, but Soobin didn't stop running.


"Yeah Jimin said I was a natural on the cat walk" Yeonjun bragged as him, Taehyun and Beomgyu exited the clothing store. The only one of the three who had purchased something was Beomgyu.

Taehyun has become a close friend of theirs since Jimins fashion show. The three bonded well due to their best friends dating each other.

"Are you trying to brag again about being good at everything?" Beomgyu asked

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