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"Taehyun, have you ever had a crush on anyone before?" Soobin asked his best and only friend that afternoon. It was the third day of Kai's vacation, which meant the younger boy would return home late tonight since he's taking the train, which meant he still had to wait until tomorrow morning to see Huening.

"Yeah, duh." Taehyun answered while he scrolled down his social media on his phone.

"Did you ever confess?"


"Tell me about it"

"If you give me that snickers bar then I will" Soobin gave up his candy bar.

"Her name was Mirai. In fifth grade, I gave her a teddy bear on valentines and told her I liked her. We dated for ten minutes and never spoke to each other again" Soobin groaned as he threw his head back and slouched his position on the couch.

"That doesn't count or help at all!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, is my love life not up to your expectations?" Taehyun reached in front of him and grabbed his bowl of noodles and started peacefully eating.

He's probably on the train right now Soobin thought to himself. The beforementioned hasnt been able to get proper sleep since Huening left. The idea of Huening Kai being nowhere near Soobin was unsettling to the boy and made him not being able to rest well at night.

Weak. Huening Kai makes Soobin weak.

"I like Huening Kai" Soobin said out loud.

"We been knew" Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"Should I tell him?"

"Isn't he like 12?"

"He's 17!"

"He looks 12"

"Shutupshutupshutup" Soobin didn't want to imagine Huening as a younger age.

"Just tell him you like him"

"That seems too boring..." Taehyun rolled his eyes and slammed his bowl of noodles on the table.

"Its simple. You're not asking to marry him, you're just telling him that you like him. Just tell him straight up! say 'Hey i'm sorry but me and my 0.2 brain cell like you so accept my love!'"

Huening Kai, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun all arrived home late at night. The three still somehow managed to wake up early and eat breakfast. Yeonjun and Beomgyu were still in their pajamas, but Huening was already dressed for the day. He wore black sweats, a baby blue hoodies, and black fuzzy ear muffs

"Where are-"

"Gotta go hyungs!" Huening didn't want his friends asking questions. He didn't want them to know he was planning on spending the day with Soobin. Nobody was supposed to know- even Soobin doesn't know yet.

Huening Kai walked to Soobins apartment complex, which wasn't too far from the flower shop. The younger boy knocked obnoxiously loud, wanting the door to be answered as soon as possible. It took a few tries before the door was finally opened. A sleepy Soobin answered the door. He wore plaid pajama bottoms and a tight black T shirt. Soobin was still barely waking up when he answered the door, but the moment he saw Kai he was fully awake.

"IM-" Huening couldn't finish what he was saying because Soobin pulled the smaller boy into a tight hug. Huenings head against Soobins chest; he couldn't even move because of how tight he was being held. The younger didn't mind though.

"You're back" The last few days Soobin felt like he was suffocating, but now that Huening is here in his arms, he suddenly can breathe again.

"S-Soobin, your heart is beating really fast" Soobin let out a shaky laugh.

"Yeah... it's always like that when you're around."


The two found themselves at a park close by. They were the only ones there. Huening Kai was swinging while Soobin watched in a totally not creepy way. He swears he's not obsessed or anything. He just likes the way Huenings hair blows back as he swings up in the air.

"Watch me jump off!" Huening leaped off the swing halfway up in the air.

"Be carefu-" Huening's body tackled Soobin back. The two landed on their backs next to each other. Soobin was winded on impact, but Huening was laughing.

"That one looks like a frog"

"No it doesnt"

"Yes it does, just look at it"

"Yeah you're right" Soobin still doesn't see the frog but he didn't feel like telling Huening that.

"What do you see" Huening searched the clouds intensely for another picture. Soobins eyes scanned the clouds before his gaze drifted to Huening Kai, who was looking at the clouds with bright eyes and a happy free smile.

"I see... beautiful things" Soobin doesn't notice when Huening laces their fingers together until its already done. Soobin doesn't mind of course.

"Soobin, I decided."

"What did you decide?"

"I decided that I want to see Spring with you"

"I think that can be arranged"

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