Summer is Here!

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It's the last day of school and it'll be summer in about ten minutes. Today, you had to take your theatre arts exam, which is your favorite class and passion. After the exam, you got the final signatures in your yearbook and said goodbye to the seniors in your class. Then, the bell rang and the hallways were crowded with kids.

You got through and made it to the door that led to the parking lot. You got your car keys out of your backpack and got in your car. You let out a big sigh of relief. You couldn't believe that you survived the 11th grade, which is know right be the hardest year of high school. You started your car and turned up the radio, which was playing 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams.

A big smile was on your face because you were very excited that summer has finally begun. When you got home, you received text messages from your two best friends, Kendra and Gwen. The three of you planned an-end-of-the-year sleepover. All of the parents agreed to the sleepover and your friends came to your house later that night. You had just finished getting your pajamas on when you heard the doorbell ring.

You ran to the front door, and saw Kendra and Gwen in the doorway. They already had their pajamas on and they held overnight bags in their hands. You brought sodas and a big bowl of popcorn into your room. They set their stuff down and got comfortable. You turned on your TV and put the Maze Runner in the DVD player.

The movie was at the halfway point when your Mom came in, saying good night and not to stay up late. The popcorn bowl was empty and all three of you were crying together as the movie ended. You turned your TV off when the credits came up.

After that, the three of you were talking when the Scorch Trials was coming out and how it'll turn out. Then, it was 11:30pm and you guys decided to go to sleep.

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