Sunset Kiss

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After they left to film, you, Rosa, Kat, Nathalie, and Will went to Kat's room to hang out. You guys played games, ate snacks, and watched TV. There was a point when you started to color the canvas Thomas got you.

[Several Hours later]

You're almost done coloring the canvas. You decided to take a break because your hand and eyes were hurting. You couldn't believe everything that has happened since summer started. You decided to go down to the pool. It wasn't because you needed to be alone, but you just needed to think in a good way.

It was almost sundown, so the sky was pink and orange. You sat down on the edge of the pool with your legs in the water.

You looked up the song, 'Cool Thing' by Rascal Flatts. You connected your phone to Kat's bluetooth speaker and put the song on repeat. You just listened to the song and stared at the water and sky.

Thomas's POV
The others and I just got back from filming the first few scenes in the Scorch Trials. We walked into see Kat's room to see her, Rosa, Nathalie, and Will playing cards.

"Where's y/n?" I asked.

"She's down by the pool. She said that she needed to think." Rosa answered, focusing on her cards.

I went to my room to put my stuff down and went down to the pool. I opened the door and saw y/n sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs in the water. She was listening to a song. I didn't recognize it, but it sounded smooth and romantic. I walked up to her and she turned around.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked.

She just gave me a smile as a response. I rolled up my pants and sat down next to her.

We looked up and the sun was on the horizon. As if on cue, the song's lyrics were singing exactly what we were seeing: "Talk about a sunset. All I could see were purples and reds."

I could tell that the chorus was coming to an end. She looked right into my eyes.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked her.

"Sure." she answered.

Then, there was a small pause in the song. I could see that her eyes were sparkling.

We leaned in closer and we kissed!

This is the first time in two years that someone has reignited my feelings that I thought I lost forever. It was also her first kiss in two years as well. We broke from the kiss and we smiled at each other. Y/n went to her phone and paused the song.

When she sat back down, I pulled something out of my pocket. It was the cloth bracelet that I wore in the first movie. Wes let us keep a piece of our costume.

"What's that?" y/n asked.

"It's the bracelet that I wore in the first movie. I want you to have it." I said, offering it to her.

"Really?" she exclaimed.

"Yes, and I want to ask you something." I said.

"Ask away." she said.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

She took it by surprise and looked like that she was about to cry.

"Yes." she answered.

I put the cloth bracelet on her right wrist. Then, we hugged each other. We went back upstairs to Kat's room.

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