Upside Down for Two Days

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You guys were lowered down and got untied. Your head was throbbing. Wes said that you all can take a break, so that they can film the conversation between Jorge and Brenda and when WICKED guards come into the warehouse. The rest of that scene will get wrapped up the next day.

A crew member gave you guys water and medicine to help with the head pain. You went to the snack table to get something to eat. You sat down in your chair that has Kelsey on it. Thomas sat next to you in his chair. You held your head in your hand, rubbing your temples to soothe the aching.

"Head hurt?" Thomas asked.

"Yes. But that was so cool." you said.

"Probably has to be the hardest thing I've ever done on an acting project." he said. "I can't believe we're already halfway through the movie." Thomas added.

"I know. I can't believe that summer is halfway over." you said.

"Yeah. Are you nervous about school?" he asked.

"I don't wanna talk about that. It's summer and we're making a movie. That's the last thing I wanna discuss." you said.

"Fair enough." Thomas said, taking a sip from his water bottle.


It's about 3:30pm. Wes came back and said that the filming day is over. He explained the plan for tomorrow, and you guys got out of costume and makeup. You all got on the party bus and went back to the hotel. You got to your room and decided to take a shower. You got dressed in lounging clothes and got in your bed. Your head was still hurting, so you took a nap.

You turned over and the sun's rays shined through your eyelids, which woke you up. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and stretched. You heard your phone vibrate on your nightstand.

It was a text from Thomas. It said: "We're all downstairs at the buffet. Come for dinner."

You changed your clothes, and brushed your hair and teeth. You grabbed your phone and went to the elevator.

The elevator brought you down to the main floor. You saw the others at multiple tables, eating plates of food. You found an open seat at a table where Thomas, Rosa, and Ki Hong were sitting. You got a plate and went into the buffet to get food. You sat back down at the table and you all discussed the day.

After dinner, everyone went to Dexter's room to play Mario Kart. You guys only played a few games, then went to bed.


The next morning, you all woke up and ate breakfast together, then got on the party bus to go to the set. You guys got in costume and makeup. The crew workers tied everyone's ankles and were upside down again. They filmed where Minho had to push Kelsey to the lever, but Ki Hong had a hard time pushing you. That is, until he finally pushed you hard enough.

When you were untying your ankles, you accidentally hit the camera.

"Oh. Sorry camera." you apologized.

Wes then explained that while Thomas and Kelsey are getting the others down, Janson's voice will deliver a message to Jorge's warehouse people.

After that, you guys had a break, then they're gonna film the zip line scene. A song was playing throughout the set, while they filmed the scene. One by one, you guys went down zip line. Everyone except for Dylan and Rosa are free to go for the day. Their characters have another scene, where it's just the two of them.

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