That's A Wrap

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You guys spent half of the day at the boardwalk until you all had to go to the set. You guys were heading out there when the sun went down. You guys got off the bus and it was cold. You all went to your dressing rooms to get into costume and makeup. You guys came out to the set.

You guys are filming the scene where Dr. Ava Paige returns, then Teresa betrays them. Wes positioned everyone in a row, on their knees. The order was Ki Hong, Thomas, you, Nathalie, Dexter, and Jacob. A WICKED guard is going to drag Kat and Dylan to the row. Another guard is going to scan the tags on their necks.

"Action!" Wes calls.

The cameras are now rolling and everyone was in character.

A guard drags Sonya and places her next to Aris at the other end of the row. Everyone was on their knees. Another guard scans their necks.

Guard: B4. (then goes down the row)

Janson: How many did we get?

Associate: All of them, give or take.

Janson: Give or take what?

Associate: Well, they lost a few.

The guard gets to Kelsey and scans her neck.

Guard: D5. (moves on to Newt) A5. (moves to Minho) A7.

Janson: Where's Thomas?

Thomas: I'm right here. (comes out with his hands up)

A WICKED guard comes beside him and drags him over to Janson.

Janson: Thomas. (then punches him in the stomach) Get him in line.

A guard places Thomas next to Minho. Janson walks over to the Associate.

Janson: Okay. (to the associate) Bring her in.

Associate: (types on the tablet)

Minho: Why didn't you run?

Thomas: I'm tired of running.

"Cut!" Wes said.

The cameras stopped rolling and you guys came out of character. Wes instructs some crew members to bring in the parts of the berg. They brought in the berg. You guys picked back up where you left at the scene.

As the berg got closer, dirt and wind filled the air because of the propellers. The berg lands. The hatch opened, revealing four WICKED guards and Dr. Ava Paige dressed in white. She walks out of the berg and towards everyone. Dr. Ava Paige walked to Janson.

Dr. Ava Paige: Is this all of them?

Janson: Most of them. It'll be enough.

Dr. Ava Paige: Start loading them in.

Janson: (to Dr. Ava Paige) Yes ma'am. (to the guards) Okay, you heard. Let's go! Get them on!

The guards started pulling people to the berg. A guard got Thomas up and walked him over to Dr. Ava Paige.

Dr. Ava Paige: Hello Thomas.

The guards continued to get everyone on the berg. Teresa walks up to Dr. Ava Paige and stands beside her.

Dr. Ava Paige: (to Teresa) I'm glad you're safe.

Newt, Minho, and Kelsey walk over to Thomas.

Frypan: What the heck? Teresa? (stands up and walking over to the group)

Newt: Wait, what's going on?

Thomas: She's with them.

Kelsey: What?

Minho: Since when?

"Cut!" Wes said.

Another filming day has ended. You guys went back to the hotel.


The next day was the last day of filming. Dylan, Thomas, Dexter, Rosa, Nathalie, Giancarlo and, Barry had to film the last scene that morning since it's set in the morning after the WICKED invasion.

That night, everyone was back. They finished filming the rest of the betrayal scene, then moved on to where the Right Arm fights back. Then, they filmed Minho and Kelsey getting taken by WICKED.

"That's a wrap!" Wes announced through his megaphone.

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