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After getting out of costume and makeup, you all met up on the set. Wes gave you guys tickets. You got a closer look at the ticket. It was a ticket to an amusement park for tomorrow.

"That's our cast celebration. Hours of fun at an amusement park before we all go home." Wes announced.

You all thanked him. Everyone in the cast gathered around and Wes took a group picture.

Then, you all piled on the party bus and went back to the hotel. When you got back, you packed up most of your things, except for an outfit for tomorrow, toiletries, and your stuffed animal. You fell asleep really quickly because of exhaustion. While you slept, all you could think about is all of this coming to an end.


The next morning, you guys woke up and had the final cast breakfast. Then, you all got on party bus and the driver drove to the amusement park. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small.

You guys got in line for the bumper cars. Everyone got bumped by each other. Then, you guys made your way to the swing ride. You and Thomas got in the seat that's for two people. Everyone else got in a single seat. The ride started and you guys went around and around. Since it wasn't a fast ride, you took your phone out to take video.

After that, you guys took a break from the rides and the boys wanted to play some games. They weren't playing to win, it was just for fun. Ki Hong, Dexter, and Will were at a basketball game, while the rest of you were in a line at a food stand to get something to eat.

After eating, Wes said that there's time for one more ride. You all agreed on the Ferris wheel. Everyone except for Will and Alexander got in line because they're afraid of heights. The Ferris wheel started moving around. Soon enough, you and Thomas were at the top. The view was breathtaking. You took a selfie, then a picture of the view.

When the ride was over, you guys made your way back to the party bus. Then, Thomas stops in his tracks.

"What is it?" you asked.

"There's a photo booth. Wanna get some pictures?" he suggested.

You two walked over to it and got in. Thomas put a quarter in the machine and the photo booth took four pictures. It printed in a two-by-two square. You guys got out and went over to the group, then you all were back at the hotel.

You packed up any last minute things and checked everywhere to make sure you didn't leave anything behind. You grabbed your backpack and suitcase. You left your room and went down to the lobby. You were looking at all of the pictures and videos you took from the beginning. Tears started to develop in your eyes.

Then, Dexter sat next to you.

"Hey y/n." he said.

"Hi. I'm just looking back at some pictures of all of us. I can't believe this is really coming to an end." you said.

"Well, I have a surprise for you." Dexter said.

"What?" you questioned.

"Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, and I are going back with you for Labor Day weekend." Dexter said.

A smile came across your face.

"Really?" you asked.

"Really." he confirmed.

Then, Dylan, Thomas, and Ki Hong came to the lobby.

"Hey. Did Dexter tell you?" Ki Hong asked.

You nodded your head.

Then, everyone else came into the lobby.

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