In The Night

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Dexter put the car into park and turned off the engine. You all got out of the car and went inside. They ran up the stairs to get the living room, where everyone else was.

"Y/N!" they all said in unison.

The first person that ran to you was...Thomas! He pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay y/n." Thomas said.

You pulled away.

"But how? How are you here? You were-Somebody please tell me what's going on." you said.

Thomas sat you down on the couch and Nathalie handed you some water.

They set up a plan to send Thomas's stunt double in the sack to Isabella. They made him look like Thomas as much as possible; hints the British voice and the Nikes.

After they explained the plan, you snickered a little bit.

"What's so funny?" Kaya asked.

"Sorry. It's just...I would love to be a fly on the wall to see Isabella's reaction when she finds out it's not you." you said to Thomas.

Everyone exchanged looks and understood your point, then they started laughing too.

It's almost midnight and everyone needed to go to bed. Everyone gave each other hugs and said good night. Dexter drove Wes, Giancarlo, and James back to their place, then came back home.

You put on your pajamas and got in bed. You snuggled up with your stuffed animal and the comforter. They felt warm and reminded you that you're safe.


It's the middle of the night. You were fast asleep because of an exhausting day. You started to hear noises outside of your room. You got up and slightly opened your door.

You saw three people in black and they were talking.

"What are we gonna do now?" one of them asked.

"I have to get rid of that y/n girl, so that I can have Tommy to myself. I'm gonna slit her throat in her sleep." a female voice said.

No doubt in your mind that you knew it was Isabella and her henchmen. You couldn't help but scream.

You screamed and fell back on your bed. Someone came through your door and turned on your light.

"Y/n! What's wrong?" Thomas asked, coming beside you.

"They're here. She's gonna slit my throat." you cried.

"Y/n, calm down. There's no one here." Thomas said.

He opened his arms and pulled you closer to him. You started to cry.

"Guys, you can go back to sleep. I got this." Thomas said to Kaya and Dexter, who also woke up.

They left and Thomas calmed you down. You cried into his chest, while he rubbed your back. You took your face out of his chest. Your tears got part of his shirt wet.

"I'm sorry about crying on you." you said, wiping your eyes.

"Don't worry about it. It's not important. Here, lay back down." Thomas said.

You went back to where you were sleeping. He covered you up with the comforter and placed your stuffed animal in your arms.

"Thanks." you said, wiping another tear.

"Do you want me to try something?" Thomas asked.

"Uhh...sure." you said.

Thomas started to stroke your face with his finger.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"This is how my Mum used to get me to go back to sleep when I was little." Thomas explained.

It felt so nice that your eyes got heavy.

"Thanks." you softly said.

"No problem. Good night." he said.

"Night." you softly said.

Thomas walked out of your room and went back to bed.

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