Late Night Swim

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Dexter and Will were rummaging through the fridge and cabinets, looking for ingredients to make a meal. Everyone was either on the couch or sitting at the table and island.

"Guys, it looks like all we can have for dinner is hot dogs." Dexter announced.

Everyone seemed fine with that. Dexter and Will gathered the ingredients and went downstairs by the pool, where the grill was. The rest of you decided to go down to the pool instead of staying inside. Plus, it's warm and almost sundown.

"Hey guys! Look! A rainbow!" you said, pointing up to the sky.

Everyone took a picture of it. You put it on your Snapchat story. You put "After every storm, God promises a rainbow" as the caption.

After putting it on your story, Dexter and Will finished cooking on the grill. Everyone got a plate and a hot dog. Some of you got sodas and chips from the kitchen. Everyone sat on lounge chairs and enjoyed dinner outside. What a nice evening to have dinner outside by the pool.

You all finished eating and the sunset sky disappeared. The night sky and twinkling stars were started to appear. You stared at the pool water and got an idea.

"How about a late night swim?" you suggested.

Everyone agreed and went back inside to change into bathing suits.

Everyone came back downstairs to the pool. You saw a small switch on the side of the house by the gate. Your curiosity got the best of you, so you flipped it in the upward position. A bright colored light lit up the water. Everyone was blown away to see that beautiful, multi-colored light that brightened up the pool.

Everyone stood on the edge of the pool. You all grabbed hands and did a countdown.

"3...2...1!" everyone said in unison.

After that, all of you jumped into the water together. You guys stayed underwater for a few seconds, then came to the surface.

You guys splashed, played games, and floated around on the floats. After a while, everyone looked tired. Ki Hong checked the time and it was 8:30pm. Everyone decided to go back inside for showers and called it a night.

After everyone was warm and comfortable, you all sat on the couch and read the script together again. When you guys got to the part when Thomas and Brenda have their one-on-one conversation at the Right Arm, your eyes were getting heavy. It happens every time when you've been active all day and is now staring at words on paper.

Finally, the script reading was done. You checked the time on your phone, it was 10:30pm. You let out a big yawn and rubbed your eyes. Everyone said good night to each other, gave hugs, and went off to their rooms.

You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After that, you put on your pajamas. You texted your family 'good night' and put your phone on airplane mode. Finally, after what felt like forever, you got in bed. You pulled the comforter over you and fell asleep.


Your dry mouth woke you up. It was 1:00am. You got up to the get some water.

You opened your bedroom door and was blinded by the kitchen lights that were on. You shielded your eyes and walked to the fridge. You found a water bottle, opened it, and started to drink from it. You also noticed that the front door was open.

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