The Scorch Trials Callbacks

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Your Uber arrived and drove to the studio once again. You walked through the doors and noticed that 'Can't Stop The Feeling' by Justin Timberlake was playing on the overhead speaker. You went up to Dawn's desk and she said the callbacks are being held room A5 again.

As you are walking to the room, you accidentally bumped into a girl. Papers fell out of the folder she was holding.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." you said, then bent down to the floor.

"That's okay." she said as she gathered her papers.

You picked up a piece of paper off of the floor. It looked like her resumé. It had 'Isabella Melling' at the top of the page. The name looked familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

Then, she snatched the paper out of your hand.

"Why are you looking at my resumé?" she asked, sounding irritated.

"Sorry. Your name just looks familiar." you said.

She put the paper back in the folder, scoffed, and walked away.

You didn't know what that was all about, so you just shrugged it off.

You got to room A5 and opened the door. Wes and everyone else on the panel were talking when you walked in.

"Hi y/n. It's good to see you again." Wes said, giving you a hug.

"Thank you. It's good to be back." you said, hugging him back.

After that, a tall man with gray hair walked into the room. It was Aidan Gillen. Wes introduced you to him and you both shook hands. Since the two of you were already there, Wes decided to do the scene. You and Aidan set your stuff down and Wes explained the scene.

It's a scene near the end of the movie when Kelsey saw that WICKED guards hit Minho with a shock bullet and she runs over to him, but Janson makes her trip and he drags her to the berg against her will. You gave Aidan your permission for him doing "the kidnapper move" and Wes said "scene" as the cue to start.

You made yourself trip and you fell to the floor. Aidan came down beside you and put his hand over your mouth.

"Did you think you were gonna get away that easily?" he asked, sounding like the character.

Aidan picked you up off the floor and "dragged" you away. While he was doing that, you were struggling in his grasp and tried to get words out. Wes said "cut" and Aidan released you.

"Good job guys. Aidan, can I hear you say some of Janson's lines?" Wes said.

You went off to the side of the room to let Aidan have the floor. You drank from your water bottle and read over your lines for the other scene. You got distracted by watching Aidan deliver his lines to the panel.

'Wow! He is definitely gonna get the part of Janson. I just know it.' you thought to yourself.

Aidan finished and he left the room.

Wes checked the time on his phone.

"Man, Thomas should be here. He's five minutes late." he said.

"Is he always late?" you asked.

"Not always, but sometimes." Wes said.

While waiting, Wes asked you about your past acting experiences and other interests.

Just as you were about to tell them about how you got into the Maze Runner series, the door opens and Thomas walks in.

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