Isabella Returns

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You were laying your head on Thomas's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind. That sleeping medicine was still in your system. The sun's early morning rays were so bright that it was that they helped everyone wake up.

After a hour later, Wes comes up to you guys.

"Hey guys. Sorry that took so long. Are you guys ready to head to the Scorch?" he said.

You guys got up from your seats and grabbed your suitcases. You guys were walking to the door when a voice echoed from the hallway.


It's the last person you wanted to see. Just when you thought that nothing could ruin this day. Other than her, Thomas's stunt double was with her. His clothes were dirty, his hair was in every direction, and he had marks on his face. She was dragging him by his shirt.

'What did she do to him?' you thought.

Thomas stepped in front of you. Her focus was on you and him.

"Hey Tommy." she said, sounding sweet.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asked sternly.

"Just returning your stunt double. Nice stunt pull if you ask me." Isabella said, releasing her grip from his shirt.

"And I wanna talk to y/n for a second." she added.

"Yeah right. Like that's ever gonna happen." Kaya said.

"I just thought that she might wanna hear some important information." Isabella said.

For some odd reason, what she said got your attention. You stepped out from behind Thomas.

"What kind of information?" you asked her.

"The information of why you got casted in this movie. Lucky for you, they watched your other audition. And of course, you didn't know it was them because you were blindfolded. They know that they only casted you because they saw you act before you auditioned. It's the only explanation. You totally screwed up your audition, just like you're gonna screw up the movie." she said.

"ISABELLA! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Wes yelled at her. That got her to stop.

"Is that true?" you asked him. You were on the verge of bursting into tears.

"No." he said, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Is that what you guys really think?" you asked everyone else.

They didn't know how to respond. Your eyes locked on Isabella, who just stood there with a smirk coming on her face.

You let your tears out and ran out of the room.

"You leave her alone or you'll have me to answer to. Understand?" Thomas told her in a firm voice.

They both looked at each other square in the eye, not saying a word.

"Y/n! Wait!" Thomas said, then ran after you.

"I'm gonna make sure that you are not hired by anyone in the industry." Wes said, pointing at her.

"Whatever. I don't need acting anymore, I'm into modeling now." Isabella said.

She turned around and headed for the door. As she walked out, Dylan and Kaya gave her the middle finger on both hands. None of them went after Thomas because they gave him space with y/n.


You ran to the other side of the studio. You turned into a corner and found a set piece. It was decorated like a bar. You sat on the stool and cried onto the counter. You were crying so hard. Then, you heard footsteps and gasps of breath behind you.

"I ran after you all the way to the other side of the studio. You are fast." it was Thomas.

You continued to cry. You sensed him sit next to you.

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