Fights for the Princess

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The Blue knight and his horse were riding around the arena. Then, the Black-and-White knight came out on his horse. They both faced each other. They got off their horses and handlers guided them out.

Both knights came before the king and queen.

"This is the battle to determine which is brave enough to face the villain. Men, go to the middle and face each other. Sword-to-sword." the king announced.

Everyone clapped for the two knights.

This is the intense part of the show. Luckily, you guys finished eating, so your focus is all on the fight.

The knights took out their swords and stood perfectly still for a few seconds. Their swords clanged and the duel has begun!

They fought as if it was a fight for survival. That's probably how it was in that time period. Sparks flew off their swords as they swung at each other. The Black-and-White knight scissor kicked the Blue knight, which caused him to fall to the sand. The Black-and-White stood over the Blue and stuck his sword in the sand, as if he was stabbing his opponent.

It's over! The Black-and-White knight won, which meant that he was going to face the villain.

The Black-and-White knight went before the royalty as the Blue knight was being taken away from the duel spot.

"Black-and-White, you have proven your worth. You have won the tournament of knights. You and the villain will duel to the bitter end." the king announced.

Everyone in the Black-and-White section cheered in victory.

"As champion of the knights, you may choose a princess as a trophy of your victory." the queen announced.

The Black-and-White knight went up to the royalty. The queen handed him a cushion with a tiara and a purple sash. The queen and knight went over the Black-and-White section. He's going to look for a girl to be his princess.

The knight and queen went down three rows and he still hasn't chosen a princess. They were at the row that you all were sitting at. He has already gone past Rosa, Kat, Nathalie, and many other girls that could be his princess. He was getting closer, then he stopped in front of you. The knight offered you his hand to stand you up. You took off your Medieval Times crown.

The Black-and-White knight grabbed the purple sash and put it on you. It was violet and had the words: "Princess of Love and Beauty" in silver. Then, he placed the tiara on top of your head. The queen shook your hand and asked for your name.

"The Black-and-White knight has chosen a princess. I present to you all, Princess y/n of Love and Beauty." she announced.

Everyone clapped for you. The knight also gave roses to Kaya, Kat, Rosa, and Nathalie. He went back down to take in the glory of his victory. But, it didn't last long.

The arena went dark. Smoke came from underneath the royalty. A character dressed in black came out. He was swaying his sword and looking around the arena. It was him...the villain.

"Where is the Black-and-White knight?" he asked loudly.

He spotted the knight by his assigned section.

"I heard that you are my greatest challenge. Raise your sword." the villain demanded.

The Black-and-White knight held his stance as the villain stood a short distance away from him. The second their two swords touched, another duel began.

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