The Plague

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All of you were on the way to the set. You were checking Instagram. Most of them were kids from your school. You noticed that almost every post and story had school schedules and asking if others are in their class(es).

Kendra and Gwen texted you in the group message. They sent you pictures of their schedules. You were about to say that you hadn't gotten yours yet, then your Mom texted you a picture. You knew what it was...your schedule for senior year. You enlarged the picture to see your classes. You were about to read through it when Kat got your attention.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"My Mom texted me my school schedule." you said.

You stared at the picture, looking at your classes and teachers.

"I thought you said you didn't want to discuss school." Thomas said, taking your gaze out of your phone.

"Well yeah, but I like getting my schedule." you said.

You texted your friends, saying what classes you have and if all three of you are in the same class(es).

The bus came to a stop at the set. You sent the final texts to Kendra, Gwen, and your Mom, saying that you gotta go. You guys got in costume and makeup. Wes said that you guys have to redo that scene where Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Kelsey are sitting on the mountain top.

"Action!" Wes called. The five of you are now in character.

Thomas comes up the mountain and sits next to Newt. They're looking out over the Scorch.

Newt: I wish Alby could have seen all this.

Frypan: And Winston.

Thomas: (looks at Chuck's wooden figure) And Chuck.

Kelsey: (looks at her necklace) And Ellie.

Newt: He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy.

Thomas: Yeah.

Minho: (to Kelsey) She'd be proud of you too, tiger.

Kelsey: Yeah. She would be.

Frypan: Hey Aris!

Jacob probably didn't hear Dexter, so Wes said "cut" to stop the scene. You guys started laughing.

[About an hour later]

You, Ki Hong, Nathalie, and Dylan said that were you all started to feel weird. You felt like you had a fever and your stomach hurt a little. Wes let you guys go back to the hotel. Thomas insisted on going back to take care of you.

'He's such a caring boyfriend.' you thought.

Dylan, Ki Hong, and Nathalie went to their rooms to take medicine and rest. Thomas helped you to your room. He had his arm around you to keep you steady. You felt like you were getting more weak after each step you took. You got so weak that you fell out of his grasp.

"Y/n! Are you alright?" Thomas asked in concern.

"Carry me." you said, sounding weak.

His arms wrapped around you and he picked you up bridal style. He carried you into your room and laid you on your bed. Your eyes were getting heavy and you could hardly keep them open. Thomas went into the bathroom and came back with a thermometer.

"Open your mouth, love." he said.

You slightly opened your mouth and he put the thermometer in. He pushed the button and waited for it to read your temperature. Thomas stroked your face with his finger. It beeped and he took thermometer out of your mouth.

"103.2. Awe, you poor thing." Thomas said.

His phone started to ring. It was Dylan. He said that he, Ki Hong, and Nathalie also have high fevers, stomach cramps, and feel weak.

This can't be a coincidence, something has happened.

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