Halfway Through the Movie

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Ever since that first day on set, you had to come every day. You've noticed that Wes calls you guys by your character names, except for Dylan. It's so hot that it's almost unbearable. This is a big step from a theatre production.

A few more days have gone by. Wes has moved production to an indoor set because the movie is transitioning from the Scorch to Jorge's warehouse and other indoor places. Also, the next several scenes are going to be inside. You guys like that idea a lot of because you guys are sick of the New Mexico heat.

They were about to film the scene where the Gladers find Jorge's warehouse. That's also the time where Minho gets struck by lightning, and Jorge and Brenda are introduced. You guys got into costume and makeup, and grabbed your props. Wes showed the set to everyone before they started filming.

They filmed you guys running away from the storm, then Ki Hong's stunt double got struck by lightning. Then, you all were inside.

Wes was saying "cut" a lot because the cameras had to switch angles. The other Gladers revived Minho, then wee surrounded by Cranks. Next, Rosa came in as Brenda. She guided you guys through the warehouse and brought you all to Jorge.

Then, you guys got ready for the scene where the Gladers are hung upside down. You guys were getting nervous because you don't know how that's gonna get pulled off.

You guys, some crew workers, and Wes walked into a room with a big hole in the floor. Someone pulled a lever, which made seven lines of rope come down. You guys laid down on a big mat, while the crew workers tied up your ankles. Everyone was tied and ready to go.

"Are you guys ready?" Wes asked.

You each responded differently. He pulled the lever and you guys were being lifted up. It felt really weird. When it finally stopped, your head started to hurt because of the blood flow.

"Are you guys good?" Wes asked.

"My head hurts." Thomas complained.

"All of our heads hurt." you added.

"The quicker we get this started, the sooner it'll be over." Wes said.

You all agreed with him and he got behind a camera. You looked over at the others and they looked so funny upside down.

"Action!" Wes called.

The scene started and the camera is rolling. You guys were now in character.

Kelsey: Just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse.

Minho: Good plan, Thomas. See what the man has to say. Really working out for us.

Thomas: Shut up, Minho. Maybe I can reach the rope.

Thomas uses upper body strength to get to his ankles. Then, Jorge entered.

Jorge: Enjoying the view?

Minho: What do you want?

Jorge: That is the question. My men want to sell you back to WICKED. Life is tougher than you think. I'm not like that, something tells me that you're not either.

Minho: Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?

Jorge: Tell me what you know about the Right Arm.

Newt: I thought you said they were ghosts.

Jorge: I happen to believe in ghosts. Especially, when I hear them chattering along the airwaves.

Jorge walked over to a lever.

Jorge: You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal.

Thomas: We don't know much.

Jorge pulls the lever, which made the Gladers go down a little. It felt like everyone's heart skipped a beat.

"Cut!" Wes said.

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