Waiting Again

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Thomas offered to give you a ride back to your hotel. You got your 31 bag and followed him out the door. He had a black Honda Accord as a rental car. Before you forgot, you took a picture with him, then got in the car. Thomas got in the driver's seat and you got in the passenger seat.

You both put on your sunglasses and turned on the radio. He let you choose the station. Some of your favorite songs came on and you sang the lyrics. At some point, Thomas would jump in and sing, once he got the lyrics right.

He had to stop at a red light. Something else came to your mind, you almost forgot to ask him for his autograph! You went to your 31 bag, and got out your Maze Runner book and a pen.

Thomas was focused on the traffic.

"Hey Thomas." you said to get his attention.

"Yeah?" he said.

"I almost forgot. Can you autograph my Maze Runner book?" you asked, handing him your book and pen.

"Of course." he said, putting the car in park.

Thomas signed his name and put a smiley face next to his signature. He gave the book and pen back to you, then the light turned green. He put the car into drive and drove through the intersection. He took a few more turns and arrived back at your hotel.

Thomas pulled to the front and put the car in park.

"Arrived back, safe and sound." he said.

You smiled and took off your sunglasses.

"Thanks for the ride." you said.

"No problem." he said.

You got out of the car and waved goodbye to him. Thomas waved back and drove off.

You walked through the doors and went to the buffet for lunch. You got a hot dog, french fries, and a Coke. Because that it was so nice, you decided to eat outside by the pool. You texted your family and friends about your callbacks. You sent a picture of the autographs in your book, and the picture of you and Thomas to Kendra and Gwen. They responded with happy and freaking out emojis, along with 'so lucky' comments.

You finished eating lunch and went back to your room. You crashed on your bed.

"What a day!" you sighed.

You couldn't believe that all of that happened in one day. You didn't feel like getting up, so you decided to take a nap. You drifted off into a deep sleep. You couldn't stop thinking about Thomas and the possibility of getting casted in the Scorch Trials. You shifted a few times and cuddled with your stuff animal.

You wake up to your ringtone going off. You wipe the sleep out of your eyes and sit up in your bed. It was an unknown number. You hit the decline button and realized the time. It was 5:45pm. You slept for over four hours. You got out of bed and took a shower.

You ordered something for dinner from room service and watched Netflix on your laptop. You were still tired after eating, so you decided to go to bed early. You texted your family, saying good night. After turning your phone on airplane mode, you said a prayer to yourself, hoping to see your name somewhere on the Scorch Trials cast list. You got under the covers and fell asleep again.

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