Labor Day Weekend

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You pulled into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant that wasn't far from the airport. You guys got a booth and looked at the menu. As you all were waiting, you noticed the sun was starting to set.

You took a picture of the sunset and put it on your Snapchat story. You captioned it: "Nothing says welcome home like a sunset."

Your phone started blowing up with welcome home messages from your family. Your mom said that they're all at the beach and to drive up there tomorrow.

"So, what are we going to do while we're here, y/n?" Ki Hong asked.

"Well, my mom is telling me that my family is at our beach houses. So, how does a weekend at the beach sound?" you said.

They looked excited about it. Then, the food came and Ki Hong's complains about hunger finally stopped.

You guys couldn't eat anymore, so you guys had to get to go boxes. You paid and left the restaurant. You all went out to your car and you drove home. It was dark by the time you got back. You parked in the garage and you guys got out of your car. The boys grabbed their suitcases and went inside.

It felt so good to be back home. You turned on the lights in the kitchen.

"You got a nice place, y/n." Dexter said.

"Thanks." you said.

Then, you noticed a note on the counter. It was from your mom.

It said: Hi sweetheart. I got your schedule and school supplies. We're all at the beach house for the weekend. We've missed you so much. When you get home, drive up to the beach house. We can't wait to see you. Love, Mom ❤️

You smiled at your mother's sweet note. You showed Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, and Dexter where they'll be sleeping for the night. Dylan and Ki Hong were in the your parents' room. Thomas and Dexter were in the spare bedroom. You unpacked most of your stuff and got ready for bed. You all said good night to each other and went to sleep.


The next morning, you and the boys woke up. They all sat on your couch. You offered to fix them breakfast, but they were still full from dinner. You guys got ready and packed small overnight bags. All of you piled into your car and you started driving to your family's beach houses. The boys were asking you a lot of questions about y/state/n.

After two hours of driving, you finally made it. You guys went inside, no one was there.

"Hmm, they must be at the beach." you wondered.

You let the boys put their overnight bags in your room. You went out to the shed and got the golf cart out. You drove, Dexter sat next to you, while Dylan, Thomas, and Ki Hong were squished on the backseat.

It was a short ride to the beach. Your older cousin spotted the golf cart.

"Y/N!" she yelled.

You ran off the golf cart and jumped in her arms. You gave all of your family members hugs, then introduced them to Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, and Dexter.

The welcome home celebration was moved to your beach house because of a storm rolling in. That night, the four of you told your family all about the movie.

On Saturday, there was a cookout on the beach. On Sunday, you and your cousins took the boys out on the boat and to the local ice cream store.

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