More Dancing

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The song ended and you all finished dancing. Everyone went back to the booth.

"Y/n, you were awesome dancing out there." Dexter said.

"Awe thanks." you said.

"You know Dexter, you might have some competition when it comes to dancing." Kaya said.

You and Dexter looked at each other in the eye. The looks were saying that you do have some competition. Several songs played, but no one knew any of them.

Another song came on. It was 'Uptown Funk' by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars. All of you got up again and danced. You pulled out your phone and took a video of you guys dancing on Snapchat.

You stopped dancing for a second to put the video on your story, then put your phone away to continue dancing. Soon enough, the song ended and you guys went back to the booth. After only dancing to two songs, you were already out of breath. You drank some of your soda to refresh.

The next song started playing. You recognized it; 'Closer' by The Chainsmokers. It was the song that you and your boyfriend (who's your ex now) danced to at the Homecoming dance in 9th grade.

Thomas stood up from the booth and offered his hand.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

You smiled and took his hand.

"Yes." you said.

You both walked hand-in-hand onto the dance floor.

You put your arms around his neck and Thomas put his hands on your waist. This reminded you of dancing at school dances. You couldn't help but smile, which made Thomas smile as well.

This is amazing! You haven't felt this way in a long time. Soon enough, the song ended and so did the moment. Why couldn't it have lasted longer?

You both returned to the booth and everyone was looking at you both like 'are you two dating?' kind of look.

A few more songs played, but no one knew them. Then, the Cupid Shuffle came on. Once again, you guys got in the dance floor. You don't know if it's the alcohol, but some of the boys were acting ridiculous, while they danced. You couldn't help, but laugh.

After dancing again, everyone was tired. You guys decided to take a break. Luckily, another sequence of unknown songs came on. The DJ came on and said that karaoke will be starting soon.

Ki Hong noticed a small stage on the other side of the club.

"Hey Dex. Maybe you could sing?" he suggested.

Everyone started encouraging and begging him to sing until he gave in.

"Okay! Y/n, maybe you could sing with me?" Dexter suggested.

Everyone's faces lit up and they begged you to sing with him. You had enough of their begging, so you gave in as well.

You and Dexter got up from the booth and went over to the karaoke stage. The DJ was sitting at a table, while staring at his laptop. There was a binder with a list full of songs beside him. Dexter let you choose the song. You saw two songs that caught your eye: 'A Million Dreams' and 'Rewrite The Stars' from the Greatest Showman.

You were torn between the two.

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