Getting Out

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The thud noise occurred near the entrance. Its hit on the ground got everyone's attention in the direction it came in. Isabella motioned for his henchmen to check it out. She was about to follow them, but then looked at you.

"Don't move." she commanded.

You nodded in agreement. All three of them went towards the entrance. One of the men opened the door and there was a light brown sack on the ground. All three of them dragged it inside. Isabella carelessly kicked the sack and a British voice groaned from the inside.

'Thomas!' you thought.

Isabella opened the sack to double check that it was him. You saw the shoes of the person, they were Nikes. It was definitely him. You rubbed the end of the tape on your shoulder. It stuck to your shirt and you got the tape off of your mouth.

"THOMAS! NO!" you yelled.

Isabella and her henchmen saw that your tape came off.

"What do we do with the girl?" one of them asked her.

"Take him out to the van and wait for me. I'll take care of her." Isabella instructed.

The men picked up the sack and went outside. Isabella walked towards you.

"Wait. Wh-where is he? What are you going to do to him?" you asked with shake in your voice.

Isabella tore off another piece of duct tape and put it over your mouth.

She let out a quick exhale and went towards the door. She stopped in her tracks and looked back at you.

"See ya. Wouldn't wanna be ya." Isabella said, waving goodbye.

She walked out the door and shut it. You heard the van engine start, then it drove away.

You were left all alone, still bound. You started to cry. You're never getting out and no one is coming to your rescue. Tears rolled down your face and you were breathing hard against the tape.

You started to hear another sound outside, almost like the sound of footsteps. Then, the door opened. It was hard to see who it was because of lack of light. The footsteps got closer.

"Y/n!" a voice said.

It was Dylan and Ki Hong!

They came into the light and came over to you. Dylan tore the tape off of your mouth. You were slowly taking breaths.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Ki Hong asked.

"I will once we get out of here." you responded.

Dylan found a pair of scissors and cut off the zip ties. You were finally able to move and stand up.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here." Ki Hong said.

Dylan picked you up bridal style and ran outside.

They ran to the far side of the warehouse and got in Dexter's car. They got in their seats and Dexter started the car. He drove away from there in a hurry. Dylan pulled you into a hug and you hugged him back.

"Thank you." you said, almost inaudible.

You moved over to an open seat. You rested your head on your hand. Ki Hong turned around in the passenger seat. He put his hand on your leg.

"We're glad that you're okay." he said.

You just gave him a small smile. Dexter stopped at a red light. While waiting, he turned back to look at you. He just sighed. Dexter took a few more turns, then pulled into the driveway of the rental house.

You were back home, safe and sound.

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