In the Air

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The next morning, you and your family got up early to go to the airport. Your flight was scheduled early because of the time difference.

You packed up some last minute things in your backpack and headed to the airport. Your parents checked your luggage into baggage claim and said goodbye to them before heading to security. You went through security, and waited by the gate. You waited for about twenty five minutes until you heard: "Flight 411 to California is now boarding" over an intercom.

This is it!

You got in line to board your plane. You gave the flight attendant your ticket, then disappeared into the terminal. You found your seat and sat by the window. You had the whole row to yourself. The flight attendants instructed to buckle seatbelts and turn off all electronics. The plane went in reverse and flew down the runway until it lifted up into the air.

You looked out the window to see blankets of puffy clouds covering the sight of the ground below. You heard the flight attendant say that passengers were now allowed to use electronics. You got your laptop and headphones out of your backpack. You listened to some music on your phone and did some research on both movies.

You researched the LifeTime movie first, while writing down notes about the characters and the story. You found out that it's about the kidnapping of a 17 year old girl named Lisa in 1984.

After reading that sentence, one of the flight attendants came by with the food cart. You got a Coke and a bag of potato chips. You enjoyed your snack, while reading the rest of the movie's description.

You also found out that it's called Believe Me because when Lisa returned home after escaping, her family and some police officers didn't believe her story.

"That's ridiculous. How can people not believe someone that was really abducted and tortured?" you whispered to yourself in disgust.

You continued reading about what Lisa's abductor did to her during the time of her captivity and how she helped the police catch the guy, who turned out to be a serial killer that the police have been looking for. After reading the full description, you thought that it will be an interesting movie.

You pulled out your phone and went on Pinterest and Google to look up monologues to do for your audition. You found the perfect monologue that fits with the character and screenshot it.

Then, you looked up the Scorch Trials for research and notes. You ended up looking at your computer for about an hour on the Scorch Trials. You decided to put your laptop away and closed your eyes for a little bit. You slept for about twenty minutes, then pulled out your phone to watch Maze Runner videos on YouTube.

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