Your Callback has an Audience

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Rossif pulled you up from the floor and the scene started. At the bottom of the blindfold, you could see some people watching through the window. You didn't focus on who they were or why they were watching. You were more focused on doing the scene.

"Please! Please! I was trying to call my father. I was just trying to-" you said.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Rossif yelled.

"I'm not lying to you. I just wanted to let him know that I'm okay and that everything's fine." you said.

                            Outside of C4
Dylan, Thomas, and Ki Hong were walking down the hallway of the studio.

"Auditions aren't for another hour. Why do we have to be here early?" Dylan complained.

"Wes said that he needed to talk to us about something." Ki Hong answered.

"Wait! What's that? It sounds like screaming." Thomas said.

They walked further and came up to a window next to room C4. They saw a girl in sweats with a blindfold over her eyes and a man holding a "gun" to her neck. They were talking very loudly to each other.

"Whoa! Whoever this girl is, she's good." Ki Hong said.

Dylan and Thomas both agreed.

"What movie is this for?" Thomas asked.

Dylan looked at movie tag next to the door.

"It's called Believe Me." he said.

They continued watching until Kaya and Dexter walked up to them.

"Guys! What are you doing?" Kaya asked.

"The auditions start in less than an hour." Dexter added, looking at his watch.

"You guys have to see this girl. Look!" Dylan said.

Kaya and Dexter watched through the window.
Inside of C4
You just got through your first scene. You lifted the blindfold off of your eyes. Now, you had to do the scene where Lisa's kidnapper lets her go. Jim and Lisa explained the scene, and Jonathan bounded your hands together with rope. You put the blindfold over your eyes again and the scene started.

                               Outside of C4
Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, Kaya, and Dexter are still watching the callback from the window.

Wes and Will were walking down the hallway. They were talking about how if Will observes the storyline of the second movie, he could get a better sense of what has happened so far in the story for his comeback in the Death Cure.

They walked up to everyone by the window.

"Guys, what are you doing? The auditions start in forty five minutes." Wes said.

"Wes, you have to see this girl." Dexter said.

They both crowded by the window to watch.

"No. No. Please. Please. PLEASE! Please don't kill me, please. I'll take care of you. Please, I'm your girl. Please, I'm yours." the girl begged.

The guy pushed her down to her knees, then pulled out a "gun" and put it to her head.

"Please! I don't wanna die." she begged, while crying.

The guy put the gun down and started untying her hands.

"You stay here for five minutes and you don't take your blindfold off before than." he instructed, then went to the other side of the room.

After a few seconds, she lifted the blindfold from her teary eyes and the scene ended.

"Wow! That was good. I hope she auditions for the Scorch Trials." Wes said.

"I know. That gave me goosebumps." Kaya said.

They all walked away from the window and went to their studio room.

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