Theatre Camp

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The next morning, you, Kendra, and Gwen woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. You all went into the kitchen to see three plates of breakfast on the table. Your parents sat down, while you and your friends talked about summer plans. After breakfast, all three of you got ready and you drove them back home. You spent the rest of the weekend relaxing.

On Monday, you started to pack up for your week long theatre camp. You've done this camp for the past two years and this year was the last year that you could do it before reaching the maximum age limit. After packing up, you said goodbye to your parents and left for the camp.

After getting there, you checked in and went into the theater, where you were greeted by kids from the previous years. After about ten minutes of catching up, the directors came out and introduced themselves. Their names were Vanessa and Darren.

This year's play is...The Little Mermaid. All of the younger kids and some of the older kids started to go crazy. The auditions began. The older kids got to audition first, then the younger kids. After everyone auditioned, Vanessa and Darren made everyone to sit in the audience, while they talked privately. You were tapping your foot and fidgeting with your class ring because of nerves. This is hardest part of every theatre production; waiting in anticipation to find out what role you earned.

The directors started with casting the minor roles, then made their way up to the lead roles. They called a group of kids to the stage and gave them their parts. You and two other boys got called up last. The three of you got up on the stage.

"Say hello to our Sebastian, Flounder, and Ariel." Vanessa announced.

Your face lit up with accomplishment. You are the lead in this year's play.

After everyone got their parts, it was time for lunch. You sat with the girls that are playing Ariel's sisters. You all talked about this past school year and other summer plans. After lunch was over, Vanessa and Darren started blocking the first few scenes of the play. Soon enough, the first day of camp was over and you drove home.

When you got home, you told your parents about the first day of theatre camp over dinner. That night, it was hard for you to go to sleep because you were so excited for the remainder of the week. Throughout the week, you had a lot of energy, while you sang and acted your heart out.

Sometimes during rehearsal, you saw in the corner of your eye that Vanessa and Darren were talking and glancing at you. You kept on thinking if there was something that you were doing wrong or if there's something you can improve on. You got that thought out of your mind and continued on with rehearsals.

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