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You woke up without your alarm going off, or Dylan and Will jumping on you. You couldn't stop thinking about Isabella's texts from last night. You rubbed your face and got out of bed. You went to the bathroom. After washing your face, brushing your teeth, and putting your hair up, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You exhaled and put on a happy/still tired face. You walked out of the bathroom and walked out of your room.

Everyone was in the kitchen or on the couch, waiting for another delicious breakfast to be served.

"Breakfast is ready." Will announced.

You got two pancakes, some bacon, a cinnamon roll, and a cup of water. You turned your phone off of airplane mode and checked any notifications that came through during the night.

"Hey guys! Later in the afternoon, we'll be going to Comic Con. Wes says that it's the interview/event before we head out to New Mexico on Monday." Dylan announced.

Everyone nodded and said little things in response. You finished your pancakes and went to eat your cinnamon roll. It tastes like the ones that your Mom makes.

"Hey Dyl. What time do we have to start getting ready for Comic Con?" Kaya asked.

"Not till 2:00pm. So we have...four hours to do whatever we want." Dylan answered.

"Day by the pool?" Kat suggested.

Everyone agreed and continued eating breakfast.

After everyone was done eating, you all went to your rooms to change into bathing suits. Everyone met back in the living room, then went down to the pool together. Everyone claimed a lounge chair and put on some sunscreen. Will, Jacob, and Dexter had already jumped in the water. Kat put on her Big Time Rush playlist on her bluetooth speaker.

The rest of you guys were about to jump into the pool when the gate opened. A girl with short brown hair, a blue short sleeved shirt, and black shorts came through the gate.

"Hey guys. I'm from the pool house and I gotta put more chlorine in the pool." she said.

Will, Jacob, and Dexter got out of the water and the girl put the chlorine in the pool.

"It takes about an hour for it to dissolve and you guys can't swim while it's dissolving, so you're gonna have to wait." she said, then left.

All you guys can do is wait. Wait in the hot temperature with no way of cooling off. Other than Kat's music, it was silent.

"I'm bored." you said to break the silence.

"So bored." Dylan added.

"We can't just sit here and cook ourselves for an hour." Thomas said.

"Hey, it's good preparation for when we'll be in the Scorch." Rosa said.

Everyone laughed at her comment, which was a good point.

You were about to open your phone to play Candy Crush when you heard something off in the distance.

"Hey Kat. Turn down the music." you told her.

She paused her music which was playing BTR's song, 'Superstar.'

You all got quiet. As it got closer, everyone recognized the sound.

"ICE CREAM!" you all screamed in unison.

Everyone ran inside to get money and came back outside in a hot second. You guys waited by the curb in front of the house. You saw the truck and drove up to you guys. But, it wasn't an ice cream truck, it was a slushy truck.

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