"Meeting" Isabella

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You both started talking about his movies and your love for the Maze Runner series. Something came across your mind as you finished eating your donut.

"Thomas, can I ask you something that I'm really concerned about?" you asked.

"Of course." Thomas said.

"What is Wes like when he's directing? The director that I'm used to is strict, a perfectionist, and uses threats to "motivate" us." you explained.

"Really? That sounds horrible. Well, you don't have to worry because Wes is nothing like that. He's easy to work with, laughs with us, and knows what he wants from us." Thomas explained.

You let out a sigh of relief.

'Nice! If I get casted, I don't have to deal with a director that will get mad at me or make me cry if I make a little mistake.' you thought.

You and Thomas were having another conversation about other interests. Just then, a girl walked up to the table. You looked up at her and realized it was the girl that you accidentally bumped into when you were walking to room A5.

"Hey Tommy." she said.

"Isabella, what are you doing here?" Thomas asked her.

"I had a meeting with my agent. Then, I just so happened to see you sitting here, so I thought I would say hi." she said.

You could tell that Thomas didn't know how to respond.

Isabella broke the silence.

"Tommy, who is this?" she asked, referring to you.

"Um, Isabella, this is y/n. We did a callback for the Scorch Trials movie and I asked her to the café." Thomas explained.

You awkwardly shook her hand.

"So that's your name? You know, I could've bumped into you, found your resumé, and gotten your name that way." she snapped at you.

Thomas stood up from his seat and dragged her away from the table.

"Isabella, how could you say that to her?" he asked.

"Oh please-" she said, but he cut her off.

"Wait! Have you two met before?" Thomas asked.

"Sorta. We accidentally bumped into each other in the hallway. She made my papers go everywhere and I caught her staring at my resumé." Isabella explained.

"Well, that doesn't give you the right to be mean to her." Thomas said.

"I don't have time for this. I have other places to be." Isabella said, then brushed past Thomas to leave.

He came back to the table. You had tears forming in your eyes.

"I'm so sorry about that." he said.

"Who was that?" you asked, while wiping your eyes.

"My ex-girlfriend, Isabella." Thomas said.

Then, it hit you!

"Wait, is that the girl that cheated on you?" you asked.

He just nodded. "It's alright. It's been two years." he said.

"I know the feeling. I haven't been a relationship in two years either." you said.

"Huh? Another thing we have in common." he said.

That made you laugh and the tears went away.

"I want to show you something." Thomas said.

You both got up from the table and threw away your trash. You followed him up some stairs and walked over to a fire pole.

"You want to go down it?" he asked, gripping the pole.

"Oh heck yeah!" you said, dropping your 31 bag on the floor.

Thomas went down the pole first, then you went. You got to the floor.

"What did you think?" he asked.

"That was awesome!" you said.

You looked at the time and realized you didn't schedule an Uber to pick you up.

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