The Porch

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You looked through the screen door and saw Thomas standing out on the porch.

He had on long, plaid pajama pants, but no shirt. He inhaled from a lit cigarette, then threw it over the railing. He also held his phone; the glow was bouncing off his skin. You opened the screen door and walked onto the porch.

"Thomas?" you said to get his attention.

He looked over at you.

"Y/n? What are you doing up? It's one in the morning." Thomas said.

"I was thirsty, so I got up to get some water. Then, I saw that the kitchen lights were on and the door was open. So, what are you doing up?" you explained.

Thomas exhaled. "I couldn't go back to sleep, so I came out here." he explained.

You noticed that his phone was still open. It looked like he was on his text messages.

"Who are you texting?" you asked, trying to reach his phone.

"No one." Thomas answered, pulling it away.

You went for his phone again and he pulled it away again. You were still trying to reach it, until he grabbed you and put his hand over your mouth.

"Shhh. I don't want to wake the others or have them to find out. If I tell you, can you please keep it quiet?" Thomas whispered into your ear.

You nodded your head yes and he let go of you. You both sat down in the rocking chairs. Thomas started to tell you why he was out here all alone.

He handed you his phone. It was on the text message that was between him and Isabella. It was mainly her texting little stuff and him responding defensively. The stuff that she said was unbelievable.

She texted stuff like:

"She's just a kid."

"You are mine, Tommy. And you always will be."

"She should go back to wherever she came from. Back to where she belongs."

You also read Thomas's responses.

He texted stuff like:

"You don't know what this "kid" can do. You've never seen her act."

"We are never getting back together and that is final. You're the one who messed everything up and it can't be fixed. Why can't you get that into your head?"

"She was given this opportunity and she's not turning it down. There is nothing that you can say or do to get her out of this cast."

There was one text that scared you. Isabella texted:

"That's all I needed to know. All of you better watch out."

You gave Thomas his phone back. Tears started to flow from your eyes. You tried to wipe them away, but they kept on rolling down your face.

Thomas put his hand on your arm.

"Hey. Don't worry, y/n. I won't let her hurt you. This is why I didn't want you find out. And, I don't want the others to get involved. So, can we just keep this between us. Please?" he said.

"Okay." you said.

You let out a yawn and rubbed your eyes.

"Come on. It's late, let's get back to bed." Thomas said.

You agreed and you both went back inside. He closed the door, turned off the kitchen lights, and said good night to each other. Thomas went upstairs to his room and you went to your room. You got back in bed. You didn't fall back asleep that fast because your mind was wrapped around the texts that Isabella sent to Thomas.

What does she mean? What is she up to?

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