Chapter 5

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2 minutes.....That's how long I have been in this capsule in the dark. I can hear buzzing sounds coming from above but I think it's just me being paranoid. My legs feel like lead,and I fear the danger that waits for me above.

I can still hear Haymich's voice echoing in my head.

"When the countdown ends, you run away from the cornucopia. Don't look back. Just keep running." He said.

I keep repeating what he told me so that I don't decide otherwise. My stubbornness sometimes is like a curse in this way.

I suddenly stop thinking and freeze when a loud buzzing noise goes off. The capsule shifts upward once then starts slowly inching upwards smoothly. I feel a huge lump in my throat when I see a bright light growing larger and larger the closer I get to it. The light isn't comforting like I thought it would even after being in the dark for nearly 4 minutes. It seems menacing because it's going to deliver me into a battle field that may soon hold the blood of 10 dead tributes......and. I could be one of them.

I shield my eyes when I finally come into the bright light and wince. The light is warm against my skin rather than trying to fry me like I imagined the homemakers would do.

I keep my eyes closed and try to keep my balance when it suddenly stops. I already am completely in the arena,but I'm afraid to look. I don't want to be here yet I do. I need to open my eyes. I need to finally realize that I can't go back.

I slowly open my eyelids and look around. The sun shines onto a golden horn in the middle of the arena that is filled with weapons,food,backpacks,etc. They are also scattered around it and before us like bait leading us to our deaths. The landscape is a forest. I don't see anything other that trees that lies beyond the cornucopia. At least it's not a freezing tundra or a burning desert. This is actually the type of landscape I was hoping for. The gamemakers must be extremely kind this year.

I look at the other tributes. I find Bella who is giving Edward a devilish smile to tease him and he just smiles back. Tris and Tobias are next to each other on their metal circles giving each other sad looks. Hazel and Augustus are the farthest apart. I watch as Augustus pinches two fingers together on each of his hands and holds them up together. It takes me a moment to realize that that's the infinity symbol. He mouths the words 'I love you' and Hazel just stands there with a tear rolling down her cheek. I remember hearing that Hazel and Augustus both had cancer that was quickly cured when they were chosen. The only problem was was that Augustus had lost his leg from cancer before they were chosen and now he can't run. It's tragic because just like the other Fandoms,they are deeply in love,and now he is saying his last goodbye to her before he dies. This is just another reason why I hate the Capital.

I look next to me and see Leisel. She is small and fragile,but she seems strong and capable when I look at her face. She looks at me and her face loosens. She gives me a worried expression and looks out to the others than back to me. I feel sorry for her even though she is a Fandom. I can tell she has been through a lot.

"Allies?" I mouth to her. Haymich wants me to have allies but I'm for certain that he didn't want me to team up with a 14 year old girl who is so small and worthless like she seems to be but she also seems strong. There is a reason why she is a Fandom.

She nods and points to a skinny blond haired boy whose hair reminds me of the color of lemons. I remember his name being Rudy. Leisel and Rudy always stayed together in the training room and talked but they never talked to anyone else.

I nod and she gives me a slight smile. I guess I have two allies now but I need Katniss.

I look around trying to find Katniss but I don't see her anywhere. The only person I see is the boy she's with whose name I keep forgetting but I know it had something to deal with bread. He seems to be looking at me but then I notice that it's not me. It's Katniss.

I look on the other side of me and see Katniss just staring at the bread boy with her mouth slightly open. She looks like she's frozen from fear or something.

I keep staring at her hoping she'll look at me but she doesn't. She keeps looking at that blond-haired,bread-boy. I can't say anything otherwise the gamemakers might decide to blow me up.

"10,9,8," I hear a voice echo all over the arena "7,6,5," I feel like I'm going to panic "4,3,2," but I'm not.


All I hear is a white noise. The sound is infuriating but I don't care. Not anymore.

Instead of running away, I run to the cornucopia. I go with my plans rather than Haymich's which I know is probably the worst option ever.He could probably kill me right now if he could. I just grab the first thing I see which is a large backpack that is slightly heavy. I sling it over my shoulder and just run as fast as I can. I can feel someone behind me but I don't look back.

I crash through the woods and just keep running. Branches smack me in the face and legs but I still don't stop. This is one thing I am not going against with Haymich. Haymich may be a drunken idiot,but he has some experience in the games.....or so I've heard.

"Alexandra,wait! It's just me!" I hear someone say in a German accent.

I look behind me and see a heaving Leisel,her blond hair framing her face in knots.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was someone else." I say stopping.

She put her hands on her knees and tries to catch her breath. She looks up at me and says. "Did you hear the cannon while ago?"

"No,what happened?"

"I don't know,but it only went off once." She says between breaths, "I don't know,but it only went off once." She says between breaths, "I hope it isn't Rudy."

She looks like she's about to cry. I want to find Rudy for her and see if he's still alive but I need to get to Katniss.

"I don't think it was him. it might of been Augustus." I say to give her some hope but it would make sense for it to of been him because of his leg.

She smiles slightly but it quickly fades.

"Thanks for picking me to be your ally." She says.

"Sure thing." I say like it's not big deal. "Now let's go find Rudy."

She gives me a genuine smile,and I just smirk. I'd rather give this girl something to live for than go on a freaking scavenger hunt for the moment.

She finally gets up,and we start walking toward the one place we should never go again....the cornucopia.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now