Chapter 38

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After walking a few hours in these woods, I begin to wonder if Jacob even knows where he is going. Bella and Edward trail behind him but in front of us as to be our guides while we are in this world. I know I will never be able to forgive Bella for what she did. She did an unspeakable act to a defenseless and innocent person, and just thinking about it makes me want to do the same to her, but I know that can't be done unless we trade places. Just an hour or so ago, Bella and I made a deal that as soon as we have finished our time in Forks, that she would stay. Edward was willing to stay too, but Bella insists on him going, plus I rather have at least one vampire by our side than have none at all just in case if we run up on some vampires.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Tris yells at Jacob from behind all the rebels. I think Jacob suspects it is me at first, because he turns his head and glances over at me for a second then back to Tris as he's walking and doesn't say a word. I look behind me at Tris who rolls her eyes, and takes Tobias' hand and leans into his side. He wraps his arm around her and begins talking to her about something, but I can't hear them.

"We're here." Jacob says loud enough for everyone to hear. We all change our strayed attention to a large house that should be big enough to fit us all. It seems very open because of the thick glass that covers some parts of the house. It looks like a fancier house than those in the Capitol in Panem. Not once have I ever seen a house so big and so beautiful that it almost stuns me by the work that was put into it.

"Well are you going to just stand there or come inside." Jacob says motioning for us to come along.

We all shuffle inside and look around at the fine fixtures in the room. On the walls are beautiful paintings that I notice Peeta staring at in awe. Instead of having windows, the walls are mostly glass. To my left, I notice a large grand piano. It looks like it was made out of glass. The light coming through the windows shines onto it in a way that makes me remember something of my past.

I remember it was a rainy day in the new District 12. We had just left District 10 and my memories were like a thick fog. I remember feeling blinded by this, but there was something about music that opened my eyes. My father. We were poor and food was scarce, but my father found an old piano that had been left in one of the abandoned houses nearby. It was a simple, wooden, upright piano that had a very eerie tune to it from loss of sound over the years. My father brought it home and set it against a wall in our small living room and immediately began playing it. I remember walking over to him with curiosity, and watching his fingers move passionately across the keyboard with ease as he sang. I remembered that song being The Hanging Tree. It was illegal in the large District and had been for ages, or so I had heard. I can still hear the deep, haunting sound of the piano as the lyrics sing in my mind.

"Are you, are you

Coming to the tree

Where they strung up a man they say murdered three.

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

It wasn't until half way through the song that I noticed where I was. I turned to look at the others but they were looking at something else.

A man with light, blonde hair and a girl with a pixie-like haircut stands before us with small smiles on their faces.

"Welcome." The man with neat blonde hair says. "My name is Carlisle and this is Alice. We have been expecting you for awhile now, and am glad to see that you have arrived safely and unharmed."

I take a look over at Bella who looks at me with sadness and turns away. I'm not even going to bring up Hazel. Bella will have a lovely time trying to get rid of the guilt of killing an innocent human being.

"Thank you." I say as I make my way to the front of the room. "But we will only be here for a short while. We can't spend a lot of time here while there is a war going on between all our worlds."

"I see." He says. "Alice told us all about these worlds in her visions that she has been receiving for the past month. We know of the crises that is going on and we wish to help as much as we can."

"Thank you." I say before continuing. "We know that the Volturi is working with two of our worst enemies. Do you know why would they work with people who aren't vampires?"

Carlisle stares at me for a moment before answering.

"The Volturi is a Coven of vampires that are above any of the common vampires such as Alice and I. They are not known to work with other people especially humans, but Alice received a vision a few days ago based on their doings. Her visions aren't always exact and can change, but recently they have been extremely exact and correct according to what you have told me so far."

He looks over at Alice for her tell us what she saw.

"In my vision." She says. " There was a woman named Jeanine and a man whose name was Snow that was talking with Aro who is the head leader of the Volturi. He gave the blonde haired woman, Jeanine, a document. The document was emphasized greatly in my vision, and I remember it clearly." She closes her eyes and continues. " It spoke of their agreement. They were part of a plan to kill all of you, and intended on all of you dying in The Fandom Games, but since that didn't work, their deaths will come unless every last one of you are dead. One of the Volturi must of predicted their future deaths and that all of you were to be the cause."

Alice begins to open her eyes but they quickly close and open again after a few seconds. Carlisle seems to know something is wrong because he looks at her with shock and curiosity.

"Alice?" Bella and Edward both say when Alice's eyes immediately land on me.

"It was another vision." She says sadly.

I stare at her in fear of what sort of vision she had. Questions roam through my head at the possibilities and probabilities of it being based on the Volturi or our current situation.

Alice looks at me with sadness and slowly closes her eyes with pain and says, "Unless all of you kill Snow, Jeanine, and the Volturi by sundown tomorrow in Germany, all of you will be dead."

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now