Chapter 41

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     I feel an intense weightlessness come upon me for a few seconds before being able to feel the hard, solid ground again. I had my eyes closed when I pressed the green button on "the tube" to transport us for fear of what awaits us in Molching Bavaria Germany. I've only seen a few worlds so far and all of them have had some sort of "futuristic theme" as Alice calls it. Leisel and Rudy's world, which is in Nazi Germany, seems to be the only world that relates to the past rather than the future meaning that the future for Leisel and Rudy's world is unknown....until now.

     When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the dark, gray cobblestone streets. A cold chill ran down my back and I gasp when I look up. The skies were dark and cloudy but there were no signs of any aircrafts. I sigh in relief that we didn't get here too late.

     I release Tobias's hand that I know I was squeezing a little too hard, and he turns and looks at me when I do. He doesn't shake out his hand or stretch it, but his hand slightly twitches. I'm fixing to say sorry when I hear Leisel shout down on the other end.

     "Papa?" I hear her say. "Papa!"

     She darts out into the empty street with Rudy trailing behind her, and runs as fast as her little legs can go down the street. I immediately chase after her along with the pounding feet of the others behind me.

     "Leisel, stop!" I shout to her, but she doesn't stop.

     "Leisel!" Rudy says while also trying to stop her.

     "Papa!" She continues shouting into the cold winter air.

     We run down another dark street, just barely lit by the light coming from inside the houses. The streets are empty and the darkness along with it makes it seem like deaths playground.

     Leisel suddenly stops in front of a house that looks almost identical to the others except there is no flag hanging outside. I run up to her and kneel in front of her and say, "Leisel, don't do that again. You could ge yourself killed by running off like that."

     "But, Papa..." she says still staring at the house.

     I turn around to look at the house and just stare at it, analyzing every detail and every odd difference between it and the other houses to try to give me a reason why I should not walk up to that door and knock but I'm already standing before I even decide and heading towards the door. I walk up to the door with confidence, and with my gun held tightly between both of my hands. I knock once and quickly prepare myself mentally for something to come busting out of the house like a muttation or someone from the Volturi, but nothing happens. I knockonce more and finally I hear the sound of someone unlocking the door. The door opens and there is a woman standing there in an old, dark green dress with a ragged, brown apron. Her dark hair is tightly pulled back into a bun, and in her eyes I could easily tell that she wasn't very kind.

     "What do you want?" She says harshly in a German accent.

    "Mama!" I hear Leisel shout as she races past me and into the woman. The woman rocks back a little with astonishment and disbelief, and hugs her back.

     "Leisel?" The woman says sadly. "What are you doing here?"

     "I'm home, Mama. I'm finally home." Leisel says with a bright smile on her face.

     The woman crouches down to Leisel's level and whispers just enough for me to be able to hear.

     "You shouldn't be here. You should have never come back, Leisel. It's not safe." She looks behind her and into the house then begins to talk faster. "Go. Run. NOW."

     I grab Leisel by the arm and drag her away from the doorway, but something pulls back and yanks me backward, making me fall on the ground hard. I'm dizzy for a moment from the fall, but am on my feet in an instant with my gun held in front of me.

     I can feel my eyes grow big and tears build up in my eyes when the door to the house slams shut with only one small glympse of Leisel's face that is full of terror and fear. The next few moments are the worst. I can't register anything, but the screams that fill the dark street, and the loud snapping sound of cracking bones.


The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now