Chapter 35

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     I sit there leaned up against the side of a collapsed building for about half an hour before I can conatin myself enough to head back to the cemetery. It's a short walk back but I wish that it was a little longer considering that I stormed off just after making that speech. I hardly remember it. The words seem to of just poured out of me like liquid, and made itself known. I hate that I ran off afterward though, but I just can't seem to get over that look that Hazel had in her eyes when I saw her body. Those glazed over eyes that were once a deep brown and a lot more lively, full of spirit and hope. I think she was the only one of us that actually had hope....or at least a good bit of it.

I open up the gate to the cemetery on the east side and walk back to the grave. Everyone turns their heads towards me when I reach Hazel's grave that is now packed with dirt. I notice Evelyn when she walks up to me and pushes me away from the other rebels where no one can hear. She turns towards me and says, "What happened, Alex? We have been waiting for you to make your speech minutes ago, and it's almost sunset. Most of us will be heading home soon and- "

"I'm here now. I'll make the speech." I say cutting her off.

She just stares at me quizzically and nods her head, motioning for me to head to the podium. I walk up to the podium with those papers still in my hands and quickly scan over the newest page that Evelyn gave me. I forgot about that last paper and the speech, but I'm just glad that I can remember all that I read over. Things that are too important, I can remember a lot easier and better than those not.

I take a deep breath as I look up and face the rebels. They all stand there with different looks on their faces. Some have a confused look while others have an eager look on their faces. I notice that Bella has finally decided to show her face, but seems extremely insecure amongst the small crowd of rebels.

"Today we have lost one of our own." I begin. "Although we grieve over Hazel, we knew that this was going to happen. We knew of the risks and sacrifices of this mission that we are yet to complete. The reason I asked to make this speech was because I was given some documents that mean a great deal to our mission and to our plans. These documents conatined very valuable information based on our enemies and us as individuals." I pause for a moment. "According to these documents, we all come from different worlds and each of us have our own enemies that have banded together in order to kill us. They planned on putting all of us in the games without any chance of there being a victor. Tris and Tobias are from Chicago and Jeanine Matthews is your supposed enemy. Bella and Edward are from a place called Forks, Washington and your enemies are a coven called the Volturi. Katniss and Peeta are from Panem and your enemy is the Capitol or President Snow. Leisel and Rudy are from a place called Himmel Street in Germany with no enemy listed. These documents say that Leisel and Rudy were placed in the arena only because of a voice that was whispered into every one of our enemies ears and had the urge to put them there. This may be true but even I can't make sense of it." I pause for a moment to catch my breath. "These documents have given us a new perspective and a new purpose towards our winning this war. I already know what to do next and where to start from there. Tonight, I want everyone to get a lot of rest and by morning we leave Chicago."

"For where?" I hear Leisel say amongst the other rebels. She stands straight and tall with her hand holding Rudy's tightly. She looks stronger than I have ever seen her since the games.

"Tomarrow we leave for Forks. Forks, Washington." I say.

I listen to the sounds of silence as everyone, mainly Bella and Edward, stand stiff and transfixed by my words of hope.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now