Chapter 11

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When we finally land,I feel eager to get out. It might of been only 20 minutes but it felt like it was hours to me.

I quickly undo my seat belt and am first to the door that blends in with the gray walls of the hovercraft. Leisel walks up next to me with a small smile on her fragile face. Her curly blond hair is still in knots,but she still looks as fresh as a dew drop. Her dark brown eyes look up at me just as she says,"Are you scared?"

"No," I say quickly while staring at the still closed door,waiting for it to finally open. "I'm only scared of what's going to happen to the others."

She nods her head and looks away. The fierceness in my voice probably frightened her. I feel like I'm going to explode,being cramped up into this little hovercraft with nine other tributes.

The door finally opens and a bright light shines in our faces. I walk out without hesitation and look around at the remains of the old District 12. There is a thick coat of ash that covers the ground and parts of buildings still stand,but they're not suitable for any shelter. The sky is completely gray with a hint of light coming from behind its shadows. It reminds me of death,but everything always reminds me of death because of the man who rules this land and the rest of Panem.

We are a sad nation in a sad sad world. Death is our only comfort and life is our enemy. What more can we have than the comfort of our souls leaving our tired bodies and drifting off somewhere safe. Nothing has amounted over that in decades.

"Follow me." I hear Katniss say. Her voice stern and authoritative.

We all follow her through the roads of ash and rubble. Along the way,I spot a few things that looked like bones but I look away as soon as I see them. From the distance,I can see the tops of trees that lie beyond the electric fence that is still partly intact. For some reason,I want to run in that direction. I feel as if a magnetic force is drawing me toward those trees,but I try to ignore it.

We approach what I guess is the victors village. There are only 6 houses that remain intact along with the old justice building that is just a short distance from the victors village.

The houses are a dreary gray color from the ash with the paint peeling slightly. Katniss stops before we enter through the gates of the victors village and looks around as if she's looking for someone. A man with blond hair steps out of one of the houses and walks toward us. His eyes are a deep sea green and he smiles the most genuine smile as he walks up to us. He seems very seductive and reminds me of a peacock who's feathers are spread out in majesty.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me?" he says while using that seductive smile of his.

Katniss turns around with no expression on her face and says,"This is Finnick Odair. He will be the person you go to if you have any questions."

"I am also one of the head leaders of the plan to destroy President Snow." He says more casualty this time.

He seems like a nice person but that smile of his is annoying.

"You will be staying here in the victors village while you're here in 12." He says while motioning us inside the gates. "Since there are only 6 houses and two are already occupied, all of you will have to live in one with two others. Also,in each bedroom,there is a small notebook laying on your bed. That notebook is to be used to tell about yourself whether it's about your past ,your name, or things you don't know. Stay specific when it comes to describing past events or things dealing with the Capitol."

"Why do we need to tell about ourselves?" I blurt out.

Finnick stops walking and looks at me for a moment before saying, "We are interested as to who all of you are. A lot of us suffer from memory loss and those in the other District 12 seem to act a little to happy about kids killing each other."

I instantly think of my mom who acts happy all the time,and me suffering from memory loss when I was younger. I've always found it strange,but never thought a lot about it.

I nod my head and he goes on with what he was saying.

"As I said before,each of you will be assigned with rooms. When I call your names,you may head to your new home."

We all just stand there looking around at each other wondering who we're going to have to live with.

Finnick pulls out a thin,white,sheet or paper out of his back pocket and reads the names in groups.

"In house 231 is Peeta,Beetee,and me." We watch as Peeta heads to house 231 and walks in,shutting the door behind him. I don't truly know who Beetee is but I guess I'll find out eventually.

"In house 232 is Edward,Rudy,and Tobias." They walk off and the list continues.

"In house 233 is Katniss,Leisel,and Hazel,and the last three is Alexandra,Tris,and Bella."

I see spots when I hear Bella 's name. I still don't fully trust her since she is a vampire.

We all walk off to our assigned homes and I anticipate the moment I finally am able to rest.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now