Chapter 24

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     Tris just stares at Christina wide eyed with absolutely no expression at all. I don't think Tris expected any of this.

     While we were on the train, Tris and Tobias told me a lot about their friends and most of the story about what happened in Chicago. Christina is a close friend of Tris and Tobias or was. She was a Candor who transfered to Dauntless and made it through the initiation they have for all of their initiates. Tris never mentioned her wanting to be an initiation instructor as she appears to be, but they also didn't have time to choose their jobs before the Erudite started to take over, and began using, what they call, simulations to put them under some sort of mind control.

     "Hello Initiates!!! " Christina shouts. "My name is Christina and I will be your initiation instructor for those who are willing to enter into Dauntless."

     Everyone nods or, like all the Dauntless, shout. We all try our best to make a good shout to fool them. We can't take any risks on them finding out who we really are.

     "Who is going to go first?" she says.

     "I am!!!" shouts a Dauntless born in dark black clothing. He seems highly confident even though he's fixing to fall off a tall building.

     He takes a few steps forward then takes one step back when he realizes what the enterance is. Tris told me that the Dauntless who haven't been gone through initiation, haven't gone through the actual enterance, because they like to test the bravery of both transfers and dauntless borns. It's clever really. At least they won't seem as cocky as they seem to be, when they look over the edge.

     "Are you going to go or not!!!" she yells at him.

     "Uh....uh..." the boy says.

     In the crowd of Dauntless, I can hear some of them making fun of him and his bravery.

     "Fine." she snaps. "Anyone else want to jump or are you all cowards like the group I had last year."

     "I'd like to jump." I hear Tris say confidently. She doesn't act like the Dauntless boy was. He was cocky with a hint of confidence while Tris sounds entirelly confident without a doubt in her body.

     Tris steps forward and walks up to the edge of the roof calmly and bravely. I watch carefully as Tris takes a quick glance over at Christina with an innocent look on her face and jumps. We all hear a woosh sound from below and then nothing. We wait for a few seconds for an sign that she hit the net, then we hear someone shout from below, "First Jumper, Tris!!!"

     We all let out a huge breath and look over at Christina for her reaction. She looks like she saw a ghost with her eyes wide and her eyebrows slightly drown inward. She doesn't seem to want to believe it which brings hint of worry into my mind. Maybe she won't remember her or Tobias like we all thought.

     I feel someone nudge my arm and I slowly glance in their direction. Edward gives me a plain look and switches his eyes in my direction then nods. I guess that means that Christina knows that she's Tris. At least that's some good news. That means we are just one step closer to getting back to Leisel, Katniss,Peeta, and Hazel.

     After everyone has jumped and there is only Bella, Edward, Rudy, and me, Christina orders one of us to jump. I quickly take a step forward and take a small breath before walking toward the edge of the roof. I look over the edge to see where the net is, but I don't see anything but complete darkness between three other buildings that form a closed in square before me. I take a step back and look up at Christina who has an instructor look on her face and snaps, "Well, are you jumping or not?"

     I just stare at her wondering if I should say anything now or just wait for Tris and Tobias to say something to her later. If I tell her now, she may deny it, but according to Edward, she already knows. I already know Edward was right because of his vampire ability to read minds. I guess vampires can be of some use when your not going to be exposed by not having any blood.

     "We need your help Christina." I say plainly.

     "The only help you need is jumping." she says mimicking my tone.

     I look away for a few seconds and start counting to 10. I've heard this can help with anger and right now, this girl is peeing me off with these orderly remarks. I absolutely hate being ordered around. When I look back at her, I show all my anger on my face, my eyes furrowed and my eyes like daggers boring into hers and say, "Tris Prior was your best friend during initiation. You helped her battle against the Erudite and against the Factionless before she died, and now she's alive. She's alive because Jeanine Matthews revived her." I pause for a moment. "We need your help."

     She stares at me for a moment in shock then slowly her face relaxes.

     "How do you know her?" she says. She sounds like a totally different person than the one I heard before, who was loud and strict, now she seems like an actual friend.

     "It's a long story that will take some time to tell. We're here to find Tris and Tobias's friends and your one of them. " I say.

     "Is everything all right up there!!!" I hear someone yell from below.

     "Yes!!!" Christina yells back then looks to me. "Jump. I'll find a way to gather up the others."

     I nod and look over at Bella, Edward, and Rudy and smile.

     "See you at the bottom." I say before jumping off the edge. I close my eyes and feel the weightlessness beneathe me. My hair flies up and surrounds me as I stretch my arms out to my sides like I'm flying. Just as I open my eyes, I watch my world around me turn into complete darkness and wrap me in its hauntingly cold arms.


     Hey guys!!! Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. I had hurry up and finish another story of mine called "50 Things To Do Before Mockingjay Part 1 Comes Out ". If you want to, check it out. Also check out my quote book or story called "Quotes From The Broken Ones" and tell me what you think.

     Well, you know the drill.



     And Keep On Reading!!!     ~Meghan~

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