Chapter 7

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After what felt like hours of walking,my mouth is completely dry and my shoulder is aching from the large backpack. We made several breaks from walking and I finally got a chance to open my backpack.

The backpack contained three large bread rolls, a large set of knives, a pint of water, and surprisingly , a book on how to set the perfect snare. Leisel immediately went after the book and started studying every single word even while we were walking. I kept a knife in my band at all times just in case of an attack. We drank the entire pint of water within one sitting and we each ate one bread roll.

"You having fun reading?" I say smiling just to tease Leisel. She doesn't even look up from her book as we're walking. She seems determined to finish that book.

"Yeah." She says in that German accent. Sometimes I'll just ask her random questions just to hear her speak.

"How far are you?" I say referring to the book.

"Finished." She says slamming it shut and bringing it to her side.

"Already? You just started that thing like an hour ago."

"I love to read." She says plainly. I want to tell her that I'm the same way but I can't force those words out. My father loved to write stories and so did my mom but when my father died,those stories died with him. Mom got rid of those stories because they reminded her of the pain. I could easily tell that that was why as she disposed of them into a furnace. That's when my reading obsession began. I still remember when I was 11 years old, asking my teacher if I could barrow a book called 'When The Clock Stops'. I'd sit outside the school building for most of the day and read underneath a large maple tree wondering what's going to happen next in my fictional fantasy. I kept on reading that book until I practically memorized every word. I asked my teacher for another and then another until all the books in that small school library,were already read. She eventually just gave me that first book just so that I could stop coming and bothering her on whether or not there were going any other,new books. Since I didn't want my mother to know, I ended up sneaking it into the house and hiding it underneath the mattress on my bed.

I stay focused on the ground and how it tends to slope downward. I can tell we are getting close to water because of how green and alive everything is. The trees seem taller with their leaves a deep shade of green. Moss grows around the trunk of every tree,and little patches of yellow and purple flowers sprout from the ground.

"Wait." I hear Leisel say.

I stop and turn toward her. She looks around like she saw or heard something.

"What?" I say.

"I thought I heard something."


"Over there." She says pointing to a large group of trees that are close together.

I take a step towards them to get a closer look but I don't see anything.

"You sure you heard something?" I say.

"Yeah,I heard some rustling,but it didn't sound like an animal."

"Well,I don't see anything. Let's just keep going."

We keep walking but I am more aware that one of the other tributes could be watching us.

I continue watching the ground until I step into a puddle.

"Water." I say looking back at Leisel.

She smiles and points in front of us. I look in that direction and see a river. The water flows slowly in front of us and little yellow flowers grow along it.

"We finally made it." I hear Leisel say behind me.

She takes a step forward but I raise my hand out to stop her before she goes any further.

"Someone else might be here." I say looking around.

I walk out of the safety of the trees and towards the river. I look around for any sign of another tribute but there doesn't seem to be any.

"Leisel,co-" I stop mid-sentence as I look back at her.

A boy with dark,blue eyes whom I immediately know as Tobias, has his hand placed over her mouth and a knife pointing to her throat.

"One move and your dead." I hear a girl beside me say.

I turn my eyes over to her and see a girl with long,blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her frame is small just like Leisel.Her with the same determination in her eyes. I immediately recognize h e r a s Tris.

"Don't hurt her." I say.

She just avoids what I say and grabs the collar of my shirt. Tobias grabs Leisel.Her also and both of them drags us away down the river.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now