Chapter 8

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It's dark and I can't see. Along the way,Tobias and Tris blindfolded us and later on forced us to sit down on the ground and wait,binding our feet and hands together. I know Tris left and Tobias is sitting somewhere watching us. My backpack and the knife I had in my hand was taken away along with Leisel's book. Leisel started throwing a fit over them taking away her book and tried to fight Tobias,but her promised her that he would give it back to her. That was just shortly before they blindfolded us. I couldn't believe it when I heard him. I looked at his eyes when he said it,and they looked kind and sincere. Why would he do that for her? Why not just knock her out or threaten her to make her shut up? But those aren't the only questions that I have dying to ask. How about the question 'Why not kill us?' This is a fight to the death rather than a peace making game. If they aren't going to kill us,then what do they want with us? That question just makes a chill run down my spine. Maybe.....just maybe.......we're bait.

"What do you want with us?" I say to Tobias whom I still can't see. I hug my knees to my chest and just wait for a response but nothing comes.

"I know your there,Tobias." I say with anger in my voice.

"Just be quiet and wait." He says in his deep,masculine voice.

"We've been waiting here quietly long enough. Now,what do you want with us." I practically shout.

He doesn't say anything else so I just give up on him. I can't make him speak so what's the use.

"Alex?" I hear Leisel.Her say next to me.


"Are you ok?"

"I would be if this idiot would start answering my freaking questions." I say loud enough for him to hear.

I hear her giggle a little then everything goes dead silent. I listen to the sound of the river slowly flowing next to us,and the almost quiet sound of the wind. It almost sloths me,but I still feel tense,because of the danger we could be in. I continue listening to the sounds of nature until I hear something strange coming from some trees next to us. It sounds like another tribute but the closer it gets,the more I begin to realize that it sounds like more than one.

I listen for them as they bound through the river and surrounds us.

"Is this it?" I hear someone say,but I can't make out who it could be.

"Yes,all we have to do is wait."

"Wait for what?" I say butting into the conversation.

I can feel dozens of eyes suddenly land me,and I tense up. One of the tributes slowly approaches me and crouches down in front of me. I can see their shadow through the little holes in the blindfold. I begin to breath rapidly but silently as the tribute reaches up and grabs hold of my blindfold. They jerk it off,and I wince at the bright light of the Sun. I shield my eyes for a moment until they adjust to the light,and finally look back at who it is. Her eyes are the color of steel,and her dark,brown hair is put in a side braid with every follicle in its place. It's doesn't take me long to realize who this tribute is.


The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now