Chapter 43

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  • Dedicated to Every Fangirl

     "Tobias." I say as I quickly stand and run in front of him to block him from the door. "What are you doing? You can't go out there."

     "Yes, I can and I will. I have to go find Rudy. He's all alone, and I know Leisel would want him to stay alive at least until the bombs go off."

     He marches past me and out the door. I just stand there watching him through the glass, run down the street and into the middle of the battle.

     "I should be out there fighting." I think. "I should be helping them. I should be finding Rudy. Not Tobias. Me."

     I look down at my hands and notice how tight I have been holding my gun. A sharp corner of the gun had made a deep, red indention in my skin making it look like I'm bleeding. My skin is dry and flakes of skin fall off when I rub them, and the coldness of the air makes my skin look worse.

    I look back up to the door before me, and walk out with my gun loaded and my black, backpack stuck securely to my back.

    I jog across the street toward a narrow pathway between two houses and squeeze my way through. I keep running in between houses but I stop when I finally realize something. There is no more screaming or sounds of any type of battle going on. I feel a cold gust of wind hit my face and chill me to the bone as I whip around and run back to the store and onto the cobblestone street.

     I run along that cobblestone street until I see something. Something red. Something black. Something blue. Something.....everything.....but all these colors have their own connection........DEATH.

     Bodies lay sprawled out on the cobblestone street named after Heaven. But this is no heavenly sight, but a horrific one. The bodies are coated with dark red blood that send out a foul, coppery scent so strong that it burns my eyes.

     I fall to the ground. I can't move. I can't think. The cold is the only thing comforting me now, but although it burns my skin, I except it with pleasure. What is the use in caring about anything when all that you have ever cared for is gone. I could care less if the Volturi saw me and killed me right here and now.

     I hear laughing then I hear a voice. It's like an echo, a distant voice, at first, but then it become clearer and I can see the images of Leisel flash across my eye lids as I close them.

     "You having fun reading?" I say smiling.

     We walk through the woods in the arena while Leisel, with her curly, blonde hair in knots, reads a book labled "How to Set the Perfect Snare."

     "Yeah." She says in her German accent.

     "How far are you?"


     "Already? You just started that thing like an hour ago." I say smiling a wide smile.

     "I love to read."

     Those last words echo in my mind and then vanishes and another scene appears. It's Tris. We're fighting in the Victors Village at the old District 12. I yell "Dont Punch Me!" at her and eventually she gets thrown at the wall on the opposite side of the room in front of Bella, who just sits at the table doing nothing. I don't remember actually seeing Bella, it's just.....there.


     I know this voice. It's Tris's, but no image comes to my mind. No more. It's just a voice.

     When someone touches my shoulder, I stand up and turn around. Tris stands before me with no scars, bruises or even blood. She looks.....pure...clean....beautiful. Her blonde hair hangs over her shoulders and her face is bright with happiness. She smiles at me. It isn't that I look down that I notice that she is bare foot and wears a bright, white robe.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now