Chapter 25

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     We are in the Dauntless borns dormitory. I set my backpack on my bed with a thud and sit down, resting my shaking knees. After I hit the net, my ankel started throbbing again, and got to where it was almost unbearable to stand but I made it through the tour of Dauntless, which is almost entirelly underground.

     Christina and Uriah, who I just found out was another friend of Tobias and Tris, showed us around Dauntless and showed us to our new dormitory. They showed us The Pit which is suppose to be the heart of Dauntless. That is where you can buy clothing, jewlry, get tattoos, etc. Then there is the chasm which runs underneath a thin railless path. Rudy started having a slight panic attack when he noticed how high we were on the path and how deep that chasm could be, but what scared him even more was when they said that one jump into the chasm will kill you. I'm just glad that Bella and Edward were there otherwise he would of blown our cover. After that was the training room. It was a huge room filled with targets, knives, guns, and a platform for hand-to-hand combat. It looked almost like the training room back at the Capitol as we trained for the games. I'm actually starting to believe that no matter where we go, the world will always be like the Capitol. They said that the training room was for us to learn how to shoot a gun, throw knives, and to practice at hand-to hand combat. We got to watch two Dauntless men fighting each other on the platform to see what it is really going to be like during our training. It was frightening to watch them both beat each other up until one of them collapses on the ground unconscious with nearly his whole body a light shade of blue and purple. I'm just glad none of us will have to go through that, because by the time they begin our real training tomarrow, we will all be gone. All we have to do is get Tris and Tobias's friends and get the heck out of here to meet up with the others.

     "Are you alright, Alex?" Edward say sitting next to me. Edward and I haven't truly talked or have had a conversation so this is odd.

     "Yeah, ankel. When I jumped off the train, I landed wrong and my ankel twisted or something." I say while trying to massage my ankel.

     "Here," he says, giving me a small pill. "This will help."

     I slowly take the pill from his and say, "What is it?"

     "It's a strong pain pill. Beetee gave them to me before we left. He thought that they could be of some use if anything were to happen to one of us."

     I plop the pill into my mouth and swallow it with some water that sits next to my bedside table. A slight foul taste rests in my mouth, but not enough to bother me.

     "Thanks." I say. "Will it make me tired, though?" I say.

     "No. Beetee knew that we all needed to be alert at all times so he made a bottle of pills like those that have a strong pain relieving affect but won't make us drowsy." he says plainly like he's said it a thousand times before. Maybe he has.

     "You said that like you've said it many times before? Were you a doctor or something back home?" I say with curiosity.

     "No." he pauses for a moment. "But ever since you took us here. I've started to remember things. I keep hearing the word Carl or Castle or something like that. I think this man was a doctor and a good one to."

     I look away and stare at the corner of the room. I guess I was definately right about each of them coming from different worlds. But if that is so, then why were they all in Panem? I know that Edward and Bella aren't from here otherwise there would be at least one vampire here, and Jeanine shouldn't know them because of that.

     I turn my head over toward Edward fixing to reply when I hear Bella, who is sitting on her bed across the room, covers her mouth and starts crying into her hand. Good thing everyone else has gone out to the Pit otherwise they would be asking questions.

     Edward is beside Bella immedately and tries to calm her down so she can talk and tell us what's wrong. I run over next to her and look at what she was looking at. She was talking to Beetee on the mechanical bracelet that Beetee gave us to communicate with them. The rectangular screen that automatically turns on, shows the recent messages that Beetee and her sent each other. I look over at Edward who is still trying to calm her down and is holding her tightly in his arms to comfort her. She continues crying and is trying to say something but no words seem to come out. I take her hand that the bracelet is on adn begin reading the last messages.

     Bella: "We lost Hazel, Katniss, Peeta, and Leisel but will go back for them after we are done finding some friends of Tris and Tobias."

     Beetee: "You all need to hurry. Something bad has happened here and we don't know how long it will be before they find out where we are or who there next target may be."

     Bella: "What happened?"

     Beetee: "Bella...."

     Bella: "What happened, Beetee!?!"

     Beetee: "Bella, the Fandom District is gone. The Capitol bombed them. There are no survivors."

     Beetee: "Bella?"

     Beetee: "Bella, are you there?"

     I just sit there motionless. I'm in total shock. I can't move nor can I think. Dead.....dead....dead.....death....death....death.....that's all there is to me now. Thinking is beyond my abilities now. All I do is whisper.....




The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now