Chapter 17

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     I'm sitting back in the chair listening to Beetee talk about the plan. According to what he's saying, he wants to us a drop of my blood to activate the tube and use it. He also says that he doesn't want me to go alone and that I need to take the other fandoms with me. Its difficult to take in, but I may as well get used to it. I think I have partly accepted the fact that the reason I am a true fandom is because I am suppose to do this. To save Panem and the people in it, and destroy President Snow and the games.

     "Do you know now what to do?" Beetee finally says after finishing.

     "Think of a place that may include the Capitol and press the button, got it." I say a little to enthusiastically. I may not be enjoying this, but knowing that I might be leaving Panem soon is a miracle in itself.

     Beetee gets up and puts the papers back into the drawer. He seems a little relieved that I have finally gave in to the plan. His eyes are furrowed like he's trying to concentrate on something. He pulls the tube out and hands it to me carefully. I take it and examine the eye symbol on the side. It's looks very neat and precise with the mixtures of different shades of blue. The person who made this must of been very intelligent.

    "What happened to Haymich and Augustus?" I ask. I can't stand it any longer. I can't stand the fact of them two being dead. I don't know Augustus but I feel like I do since I saw them on there plates in the arena.

     "They just picked up Haymich a few minutes ago according to Finnick. They should be here soon and Augustus....." Beetee looks up at me confused, "He told Hazel-Grace that he would just slow us down so he just stayed on his plate for too long and the bomb went off."

     I sit there in shock just imagining that bomb going off underneath his plate. I can't believe he would do that. Why would anyone do that? And Haymich? How did they even get him out of the Capitol? Why didn't they tell me or Katniss?

     "Does Katniss know about Haymich?" I say.

     "No, we haven't had a chance to tell her." he stays quiet for a moment. "She's been worried about Haymich for three years since the end of the Rebellion. She became very violent and distant from us since then, until you came along."

     My eyes dart up at him in shock.

     "What do you mean?" I say with my eyebrows furrowed.

     "You seem to be the only one who cares as much about Haymich as she does. She said she heard from Bella that you were screaming in your sleep some random names and Haymich was one of them."

     I look down to the floor,and close my eyes for a moment trying to remember my dream. I remember running through the new District 12. Everything was burned down just like the old District 12 and there were a large group of trees in the distance that were completely untouched. I felt that same pull that I had when I first got to the old District 12, and I run in that direction. I didn't know why I was running, but what I did know was that there was something in those trees that were suppose to be for me. When I get close enough to the trees, I noticed that they are willows. I slowly began to walk up to them unsure to whether I should run away or continue walking towards them. Thats when I saw the bodies. My dad, my mom, the tributes, Effie, and Haymich all were hung in the trees with tight ropes around their necks. The blood was completely drained from their faces,and their mouths hung open as if they died screaming. I collapsed on the ground curled up with my head between my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs. I hardly remember screaming any names. After that I felt someone trying to grab me, but I eventually realized that someone was shaking me. That's when the dream ended just as I clawed Tris in the face.

     I look back up at Beetee with no words to say at all. I feel sick now just remembering the bodies of those I love and care about hanging in a willow tree. Beetee must know that he said something he shouldn't of, because he looks a little worried.

     "You should go and get some sleep." he says as I hand him the tube, "We intend on you and the other tributes activating the tube tomarrow morning."

     I nod my head and get up out of my chair. It takes me a moment to get used to walking again because of how long I had sat in that chair, but that could also be from the emptyness inside of me. I feel weak and drab as if all the energy has been sucked out of me. I should be proud of being the key to stopping President Snow but I'm not ready to take on something like this.

     When I walk out everyone just stares at me. Some are smiling and some give me looks of pity. I shoot all of them dirty looks and they all look away quickly and go back to whatever they were doing. If this is what I am going to have to deal with until we stop Snow, then I'm sure that I'm going to go insane. Maybe I'll end up like Katniss and become extremely violent and distant. I still wonder if she had to put up with this when she was the leader of the Rebellion.

     I walk back to my home and walk inside. Bella is sitting at the table with Tris in the kitchen talking about something but they stop when they see me. I glance in their direction and give them that same look that I had gave the others who were starting to look up to me already. Bella looks away but Tris keeps staring at me and mimicks my look. I stop just as I was fixing to walk down the hallway and just stand there. She continues staring at me and I begin to get frusterated with her. She knows exactly what I'm going to do before I do it and I miss by an inch as i try to slap her.

     "Don't touch me!" she yells as she punches me in the side.

     I can feel the pain radiating from my side, but I'm too focused on knocking Tris out.

     Instead of trying to punch her or kick her. I grab a bunch of her hair and pull downward. She doesn't expect that and tries to grab my arm but I punch her dirsctly in the jaw. I let her go and she falls backwards and collapses against the wall. I didn't knock her out, but I wish I did as soon as I leave. I can't head to my room when I know that Bella will act on what I did to Tris.

     I don't know where exactly I'm going but I really don't care. I head in the opposite direction of the Justice Building and the Victors Village and run as fast as I can. I need to get away from here at least for a few hours. It doesn't matter where I go as long as I am out of anybodies reach.

     I watch as the ash comes up from the ground each step I take. The sky is a pale blue today with no clouds in sight. All that I can see is the trees that I am running toward and the ash and rubble I know I am leaving behind. I know my mind is going haywire just as I reach the willows that were in my dream, but I'm not afraid. Strangely, I feel comfort. I feel like I'm home. I have never felt this way before, and I wonder if when I leave I won't have this feeling again.

     I stop when I am directly under one of dozens of willow trees that sit on a small,smooth hill. I sit down underneath it and lean back onto the trunk of the tree. I watch as the drooping branches sway in the steady wind that stirs the ash that covers all of District 12 before me. To my right is the remains of the old District 12 while to my left is trees and life with an abundance of vegetation.

     I never truly felt what peace was like until now. In that dream I had, I felt scared and afraid but as I sit underneath this willow tree, I feel peace. I begin to feel tired and relax against the trunk of the tree while closing my eyes. Peace and hope. Those two words are the only thing on my mind as I quickly slip into a deep sleep.


     Hey guys!!! Well I hope you are liking my story so far. Please tell me what you think about it and vote. I have also just posted another story that is filled with quotes called Quotes From The Broken Ones. Please check it out and tell me what you think.     ~Meghan~


The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now