Chapter 39

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I could barely sleep that night thinking about what Alice had told us. That we will all be dead by sundown tomorrow unless we kill Snow, Jeanine, and the Volturi in Leisel and Rudy 's world. My hope is dead. There is no hope anymore. I can't even bring up anything to keep myself from feeling the emptiness of knowing that we will all be dead. Although there has to be a way to kill them all, I have no idea how.

I stand in front of a large glass window in the huge living room, staring at the woods that surrounds the house. The others are just waking up from their long nights rest that I yearn to have had. Since this war began, I haven't been able to get a full nights rest. There have been so many things going on that I can't even focus on resting anymore.

For the first time since the war, I have actually really thought about my mother back home. I can just imagine her sitting on the torn up couch with a cup of unsweetened tea in her bony, shriveled-up hands. I wonder if she is thinking about me, and wondering where I'm at. I wonder if she even thinks of me at all thinking that I'm just fine wherever I'm at. It is thoughts like these that brings me to tears yet tears is the only think that I haven't been able to want to let out til Hazels death. I don't think I'll ever be the same girl that I once was, because of it.

"Alex, did you even get any sleep last night?"

I don't turn around, already knowing that it's Katniss coming to the rescue.

She approaches the window and stares outside with me, waiting for an answer.

"Hardly." I say in almost a whisper.

I look over at Katniss's hands that hold a large cup of tea. I can just feel it's warmth just by looking at it, but I don't ask where she got it from.

"If you want a cup of warm tea to wake you up a little, Alice fixed some in the kitchen. Leisel and Rudy are guzzling it though so you might want to hurry before they drink it all."

This makes me laugh a little, but only enough to last a moment. Just thinking of Leisel and Rudy dead is painful for me to even think about never mind knowing that it'll be tomatoes unless our enemies die before then.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes before saying, " I never wanted this. I never wanted to be the key to saving us from these enemies of ours. Now that I had just decided to try my best to keep the rest of you alive, I find out that we will be dead by sundown tomorrow."

"We won't be dead unless we can't kill President Snow and the others." She practically snaps at me.

"But what is the possibility of that when we can't even kill a vampire." I say keeping my voice even.

We both go silent after that and just stare outside at the woods until I feel something buzz on my hand. I raise my left hand and realize that I am still wearing the Comunicuff they gave us back at Beetees lab. I press a small green button on the cuff and a small screen pops up and a small keyboard lays out on the side of my hand. I had never used my communicated before because I always left it up to the others to keep in touch with Beetee and Finnick but I guess they want to talk to me.

I quickly begin typing as I read the first message.

Finnick: Why haven't you been contacting us, Alex? You need to stay in touch, and I don't mean just with the others.

Alexandra: Sorry. Everything has been crazy here, and I just forgot.

Finnick: Ok, just make sure you update us everyday on what's going on. We can track your whereabouts, and it seems you have moved from Tobias/Tris's world to Bella/Edward's. What happened? No one has given us an update in 3 days.

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