Chapter 22

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     I just stand there confused. How could they have been here before when we just got here? It could make sense since Jeanine Matthews was the one who invented that tube and Tris and Jeanine are connected but they haven't been in contact.......or have they?

     "What do you mean? How is that even possible? You couldn't of activated that tube alone." I say trying to digest exactly what I am hearing from both her and Tobias.

     "We were born here and she......." Tobias says looking to Tris. "She died here."

     "So what your telling me is that Tris was revived and that before her death all of you lived here."

     "Yes." Tris says. "But it was more than that, Alex. We were involved with a war between us and Erudite because they were killing the Abnegation in their own homes. Then we were also in a war between the Bureau out side the fence and the whole city of Chicago."

     She points to a large fence in the distance that surrounds the whole city. I didn't happen to notice it before. Its not like the fence that keeps us from wondering off into the woods at home, but a lot larger and a lot taller. This city seems to remind me more of a prison than enything else.

     "Do you remember everything?"

     "Yes. We remember everything from when we were growing up to when we were taken by some of the remaining Erudite who revived both me and Jeanine, to when they moved me and Tobias to the world of The Hunger Games."

     "Wait The Hu-" I say before being cut off by Tobias.

     "The train is coming. We need to hop on." he says just before I see a train racing in our direction on an elevated track over the city.

     "Get on?" I shout over the whistle that blares ahead of us.

     "Yes." Tobias says as they race over close to the track "Just grab the handle on the side of one of the doors and swing yourself in. We will have to meet up later."

     "Not unless-"

     "We know,Alex but we cant all just jump in the same train car."

     I nod my head just as the train is already racing beside us with the other Dauntless already jumping in the train doors like it's nothing. Tris, Tobias, and Katniss immediately wait for the next door to pass by and jump in quickly. I stand there stunned for a moment but quickly begin to act when I notice that the end of the train is near.

     I race along the side of the train and grab onto the handle next to the train car where Katniss, Tris, and Tobias are, and swing myself inside. I quickly turn around and look outside onto the roof of the Choosing Ceremony building hoping that the rest of them got in, but it quickly dies. Peeta, Leisel, and Hazel stand there unable to get into one of the train cars. Peeta, I know, won't be able to get in, because of his artificial leg and Katniss figures this out to. Katniss rushes past me and almost falls out of the train car, but I catch her arm just in time and jerk her back in.

     "Let me go, Alex!!!" she yells at me while trying to jerk her hand away but I've got too strong a grip.

     "No, you are not going after him!!! If you do you'll just be going against what Beetee and Finnick said. We have to stay together." I shout over the wind.

     She turns and looks at me with tears in her eyes. They stream down her face rapidly and her eyes are blood red. She chokes a little for a second before saying ,"He's all I have left."

     She just stares at me searching my face for some sort of sympathy, and I'm sure she'll find some. I know exactly how she feels. Sixteen years of living in a world where death is your only comfort and it does things to you. Your insanity is your sanity and your sanity is your insanity. Those you love die and those you hate prevail and have full authority over you, and all you are is a tiny sliver in a corrupted world with hardly any affect at all.

     I let go of her and she quietly whispers a thank you before jumping off the train and onto the edge of the building. If I had let go of her any later, it would have been too late.

     I hold onto the side of the train door and lean out. I watch as Peeta,Leisel,Hazel, and Katniss slowly grow father and farther away then disappear. I could see Katniss hugging Peeta tightly unable to let go while Leisel and hazel just stood there watching us disappear. This is one time I actually think I did something right letting her go with them. She is a born leader. I could see it in her eyes the first time I saw her. She'll know what to do and where to take them.

     "What now?" I say as I lean back inside and turn around to face Tris and Tobias.

     Tris and Tobias are sitting on the ground with their legs crossed and their arms folded. They seem calm even though we just lost four of the ten remaining rebels, as Beetee and Finnick calls us. You'ld think they would be a little more......worried.

     "We are on our way to Dauntless Headquarters but before we actually reach it, we will have to jump from this train onto a roof then from that roof into a net at the very bottom of a building. After that, we need to play our part and act like Dauntless borns and find some friends of ours. They're memory has been erased but when they see us, we're sure that they will remember us. After that we can go back for the others."

     "So, I guess you do know what you're doing." I say with a smirk. "Where are they going to go anyway? They couldn't get on the train, does that mean they are still Dauntless since they chose this faction?"

     "No," Tobias says. "They are factionless now. They're technically free from the faction system, but since they don't know what that is, they'll probably get lost in the city. We'll need to hurry and find our friends and get the heck out of there otherwise they could expose us, because if Jeanine is here in this world, she'll find us and kill us."

     I lean against the wall of the train and slide down to the floor across from them. How are we going to survive this? This world we're in is about as bad as Panem but maybe at least a little merciful. This isn't a world I know nor would like to live in, but as far as I now, I'm not doing this for me or for the tributes, I am doing this for all of Panem and possibly for every world behond that. If I live through this, it will be a miracle but I know that whatever happens, it will change something.

     I turn my head and just glance out of the door of the train. We are going to survive this. I'm going to just try to hang onto that hope that I once saw when I had first arrived at the old District 12. The hope that everything will be the end.


     Soooooooooooooo how was that. I know for a fact that this is the biggest project that I have ever done on a story and hope that I will reach at least 15,000 reads or more. I may be working on this story for awhile and hope it turns out well. Also, Please help me to get those 15,000 reads or more by not only reading my story but voting and commenting also. It also helps with my motivation to write and I may be able to update 2 to 3 times a day. I've done it once so I can do it many times more.

     Thank you so much for all the reads,votes, and comments that I have received so far and hope they progress.     ~Sincerely~           ~Meghan~


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