Chapter 27

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     "Alex?" she says, surprised.

     "Hazel?" I say as I walk up to her and hug her. I have been worried all this time about them getting caught or accidently exposing us or even getting killed, but I never expected this. This is more of a shock to me than anything that I have ever considered.

    "Where are the others? Are they okay?" I ask just as we seperate.

     I notice instantly that Hazel's hair is starting to grow back. I remember hearing that the Capitol gave her some pill that was suppose to make her hair grow a lot quicker than normal. I wonder what she thought about that since her hair is growing back and her cancer was cured, but Augustus lost his leg to cancer and committed suicide in the arena to keep us from lagging behind. My mind quickly goes back to the arena before the countdown ended. I still feel empty when I think of that.

     "They are at the Factionless sector. A woman named Evelyn saw us and took us back there, and said that we could stay there until you found us."

     "Evelyn?" I say. "Whose Evelyn? And why did you trust her? For all we know she could be one of the Erudite!?!"

     My voice is getting higher and higher. The anger in my voice is evident. This is absolutely stupid of Hazel. She shouldn't just leave the others alone like that for them to possibly get slaughtered.

     "Because she is Tobias's mother. Her full name is Evelyn Johnson but originally was Evelyn Eaton. I know she isn't lying. He looks just like her."

     I stare at Hazel for a second thinking on this. Not once have I thought about this. I know that Tris's parents died during the start of the war against Erudite, but Tobias never mentioned his mother.

     "Tobias never mentioned anything about his mother." I state.

     "That's because she faked her death and left Tobias with his abusive father for years until he turned 16. That's when he left his father, Marcus, and joined Dauntless."

     "And she told you all of this?" I say.

     "She told us everything in order to gain our trust. She even gave us some food and a place to stay until either one of us found you or you found us."

     I relax a little but am still a little irritated that Hazel would do such a thing. Maybe it's just me overreacting.

     I walk away and hold on to the sides of the train door and lean out. I look around to make sure we are not nearing the Factionless sector, but it's still not in sight. Tris said that the Factionless were like District 12 back home. Everyone starving and weak looking, but the Factionless here are free and able to come and go as they please because they aren't actually in the faction system.

     "Why are you here?" I say as I lean back inside the train.

     "To come find you, but I guess you beat me to it." she says with a slight smile. That is the first time I have actually seen her smile even just a little bit. I guess we all have something to be grateful for even during this time of war.

     "So what's next?" she asks me as she sits down in the back of the train car.

     I hold onto the side of the train door still and just stand there looking outside. The sun beats down on groups of building in the distance making some of them shine in the sunlight. The grass is a deep green and little yellow flowers sprout in random places. We seem a little far off from the rest of the buildings, but the Factionless sector is suppose to be a little distant from the other factions.

     "We need to find a way to get into Jeanine's office in Erudite. The only way to do that is to act the part so our next task is to start wearing blue clothing rather than black."

     " That is too risky, Alex. That's a suicide mission. If we go to Erudite we'll be risking everything on what exactly? Some information that she may not have. I'm not doing it, Alex. I may have lost the love of my life along with everything that I love, but I am not going to sacrifice my life in that way."

     She gets up and walks toward the door than looks back at me.

     "It's time to jump." she says just before jumping out of the train car.

     I take a deep breath as I realise what all is going on around me and jump. When I hit the ground, I land on my feet while Hazel has crashed to the ground. I walk toward her and reach out my hand for her to take it, but she pushes it away. She's mad at me. Doesn't surprise me at all. Here I was thinking that she was stupid to leave Katniss, Peeta, and Leisel alone with a woman who claims she's Tobias's mother when I seem to have just decided to make the most stupidest decision of all.

     Hazel quickly stands up and starts signaling for the others on the train to jump. Both of us watch as Bella, Edward, and Rudy jump off the train with ease and run toward us. I notice Rudy is no longer having to be on Edward's back when getting off the train and smirk a little. It's good to know he's gotten rid of his fear of heights or jumping off moving trains.

     "The Factionless sector is that way." Hazel says while pointing to a large group of run-down building on the other side of the train tracks. The end of the train quickly disappears and we are finally able to cross. As we walk toward the Factionless sector, I think of my decision. It's incredibly stupid, but it's the only way to get into Jeanine's office without risking the other's lives in the process. If Jeanine sees me, she woudn't think any different since she doesn't know me and the fact that I was never a fandom. That is why I am going to Erudite alone.


    Hey guys!!! Soooooo what do you think? Please comment, vote, and keep on reading as usual, and if you get bored a lot and love The Hunger Games series, check out my story " 80 Things To Do Before Mockingjay Part 1 Comes Out. " It is filled with things to do in your spare time before the ABSOLUTELY AWESOME movie comes out in theaters. Also, check out a quote book of mine called, "Quotes From The Broken Ones." It took me three months to gather up all the quotes I needed to make this and it does have a back story to it, although I may never mention it, I do have bits and pieces after each chapters worth of quotes every now and then. Please check these stories out and tell me what you think of them.      ~Meghan~

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