Chapter 33

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     I bust through the doors and walk down stairs to the basement. The only ones there are Bella, Edward, Tris, and Tobias who seemed to have been in a conversation but whip around and stare at me like I'm a wanted criminal. Instead of stopping and yelling at Bella, who is now on my kill list, I march past them and walk over to my backpack to get those papers that I nearly forgot about. I get the papers and turn towards them and stare. They keep their eyes trained on me, and Edward looks like he's ready to act if needed. Tobias seems to be the only one that doesn't seem so tense.

     "Where are the others?" I say calmly but loudly. They all just look around at each other like they can't believe what they are hearing. They probably can't believe I can speak at all after all that has happened.

     "They're preparing for Hazel's funeral on the next block. If you wanted to go now, it's a large cemetery. You can't miss it." Tobias says calmly. He acts as if I'm fine and that everything that has happened was almost nothing.

     I nod my head and start my way up the stairs, but stop when I hear Tris's voice behind me.

     "Alex." She says. "Are you alright?"

     How dare she ask me that! It may be a common question to ask, but it seems so wrong. Actually "alright" doesn't even describe the way I feel right now. Just a few minutes ago I went from being in a depression-related state to someone who feels stronger and more determined, but also feels dangerous. I don't even think I am alright. I think I'm just.......broken.....but willing to play my part better than before.

     "No, I'm not alright." I say with anger clear in my voice. "I just found out that my friend killed my other friend, who I am incharge of, then was led to her dead body which made me black out which made me black out and wake up into a world where I felt like I was insane or inhumane then somehow realized that I needed to get myself together and when I do, you look at me like I'm some crazy lunatic from an insane asylum. So, no, I am NOT alright!!!"
     I head up the stairs and storm out of the building, without a second thought. The farther away I am from that bloodsucking vampire, the better.
     I run down the street with the papers held close to my chest. As I run, my feet begin to feel a little wobbly so I slow down and just walk. Since I woke up, my body feels and acts abnormal. I can't run well and my head still feels like it is spinning and I am getting the feeling that I should be letting someone else lead these people because I fear that I will put them in danger. I rather be just their transportation and not their leader, but Beetee and Finnick wanted me to lead these people and protect them. I'm suppose to keep them together and make sure that they are safe. If that is what they want, then I guess I am stuck with it, because without the others, we will not win this war.

     As I walk down the street, I see Evelyn come out from her building where her office is and wave to get my attnetion. I stop and just stare at her while trying to decide whether to just walk towards her or run away, but my feet are already moving towards her before I can decide.

     "Alex, I have something for you." Evelyn says as I approach her. She hands me a single sheet of paper that has printed work on it and says, " I was sorting papers this morning and I found this. It's another document from Jeanine."

     I take a quick look at it and notice the words "worlds", "Hazel", "Rudy", and "unknown." I look back up at Evelyn and say, "What is it about?"

     She gives me a sad look and says, "According to that document, Rudy, Hazel, Augustus, and Leisel were not put into that arena, because one of those enemies listed wanted them dead. They were put into that arena, because they were told to by someone they had never met."

     I look at her confused and look back down at the paper and read a random line.

     "President Snow and I both experienced the same things as did the Volturi. We felt and sensed something greater than us all, telling us to send them into that arena along with the, soon to be dead, tributes."

     So many questions race through my mind. Who was it? Who could whisper into their ear without them seeing something strange? Are they serious? Is this a false document?

     "Are you sure this isn't false information?" I say just for good measure.

     "I'm sure it's not. This was printed out from Jeanine's computer under a very strict security system. I had to go through a lot just to get this one document. If this was false, she'd be smart enough to put it under lock and key, but not that deep under security. They even had it under surveillance."

     "So, this one document meant that much to Jeanine?" I say while gripping the edges of the paper tightly, in fear that it would slip out of my hands and drift off, never to be seen again.

     "It appears so. Jeanine isn't someone to just put something that deep under security, for nothing." she says.

     I look back down at the paper and rub my thumb over the fine printed lettering.

     "I heard about Hazel." Evelyn says. I snap my head upward and stare at her in shock. I almost forgot about her and her funeral.

     "Ummm," I say while thinking about how I need to be there at the cemetery right now. "Yes."

     "And I also heard about you blacking out." she continues.

     I feel a bead of sweat build up on my neck and a cold chill spreads up my spine.

     "Yes." I admit guiltily.

     Evelyn looks down at the ground and says, "While you and some of the others were gone, Hazel told me about her fight against cancer, the hunger games, and the death of her lover." She pauses for a moment. "She fought a good fight all her life, Alex. She's safe now. You shouldn't feel so sad and depressed because she's gone. She home with the love of her life. Instead of crying for her, we should be crying for ourselves."

     I just stare at her blankly and listen to every word she says. I agree entirelly but I don't know how to not feel sad about it. She was my friend,and now she is dead. How can i not feel sad about that.

     "Don't be too hard on yourself, Alex. Everything happens for a reason." Evelyn says just before walking away.

     I watch as she slowly walks back towards her office, and I scream out, "Wait!"

     She looks around at me and stops. I jog over to her and say, "Can you do me a favor?"

     She raises her chin up a little higher and says, "Depends."

     "Can you tell the others in the basement that I have an announcement to make after Hazel's funeral?"

     She nods her head gladly, and I smile my first smile since I woke up a short while ago. I run off down the street with the papers pressed against my chest and still smiling that first smile since that incident I'd thought would be the death of me. There is no way I am going to let my people die here in a land filled with factions, divergents, and robotic-like people who obey the orders of a corrupt system that once killed so many people. For the first time ever, there is hope. And hope is truly the only thing stronger than fear.

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