Chapter 3

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After breakfast, I get up and head back to my room. I try to organize my thoughts and figure out what I'm going to do in the arena. Haymich,"What told me to start wanting to live,but the truth is,I don't. I want to escape this evil world that we all live in,but I also want to fight back.

I grab a small,pillow on my neatly made bed and throw it across a room. It hits an odd-looking painting that crashes to the ground and falls over flat. I begin to realize how good it felt to do that. To throw something so good and perfect against a wall. To hit something else.

I grab another pillow and throw it at a small,desk lamp that crashes to the floor just like the painting.

The feeling that bubbles up inside me wants to spew with rage and I want it to,but I try to force it back. I sit down on the bed and hold my head in my hands. I grip as much hair as I can,and claw at my scalp.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this." I say repeatedly. "This wasn't suppose to be how my life was suppose to end."

I close my eyes and feel the tears run down my burning face and land in my lap.

"I can't do this." I say between tears.

I just sit there on the edge of my bed crying until I hear a knock on my door.

"Alex? Are you ok?" I hear someone say. I can't make out who it is,but I go to the door anyway. I don't even care if they see me like this. A mess.

I open the door and Haymich stands there expressionless.

"What?" I say weakly sniffing a few times.

"May I come in?" he says with pity in his eyes.....or maybe it's sadness. I would never know the difference.

I nod in response and he walks past me. I close the door and sit down on the edge of the bed and watch his face when he sees the broken lamp and fallen painting.

"Katniss did the same thing." He says plainly. "Except she broke dishes."

"Sorry about that." I say guilty.

"Don't be."

I have never seen Haymich act this way. He seems so.....sensitive.

"Why do you want me to team up with Katniss." I say.

"What?" he says turning towards me,shocked.

"Why Katniss?"

He looks away at the mention of her name and says. "She was like a daughter to me,and the Capital took her away just shortly after the end of the rebellion." He pauses for a moment,"Something big is going to happen in that arena,and it involves her."

I feel as if something has been lodged in my throat when he tells me this. Why her? Why now?

"How do you know?" I ask.

He jerks around and looks at me directly into my eyes and says,"Because the past few times the Capital has placed Katniss Everdeen in that arena,the Capital has payed for it."

A chill goes down my spine and I can't breathe. He makes it sound so terrible that I want to scream.

"Do you know what it is?" I ask.

"No but somethings going to happen unless she's not willing to begin the second rebellion."

"Against the Capital?"


I don't even have to think twice before saying,"Then I'm in."

He gives me a smile but it quickly fades.

"Would you actually be willing to fight in a rebellion?" he says confused.

"I've been waiting for one for awhile now." I say with a smile.

This time he smiles a full genuine smile and says,"Just be ready if it comes."

I nod my head and watch him as he leaves the room.

The door clicks shut behind him and I begin to review what I have learned about my new friend,Katniss, today. She must of been really something to start a rebellion that changed most of Panem.

After going over what I know about her, I decide to lay down and rest until time to get up. I crawl underneath the covers and close my eyes waiting for sleep to overcome me.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now