Chapter 31

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     I fall to my knees and feel the tears escape my eyes and down my pale cheeks. I don't know how to respond. The only thing I can think about is how I failed. Hazel is dead and I failed. I failed her, I failed the rebels, I failed Finnck and Beetee, and I failed. I was suppose to protect her, but instead she lays here, dead and lifeless, without a single drop of blood in her body. I just......I can't.

     I feel a cold hand lay on my shoulder, but I don't know who it belongs to and I can't make myself turn around to see.

     I remember just yesterday, Hazel was mad at me for even considering putting all of us in danger, and I think we were all already in danger even to each other. Everyone that I care about dies, and it has almost always been my fault.

     I feel that cold darkness descending upon me again just like that night after I arrived at the old District 12. I want to fight it like I've always done, but its cold arms welcome me. I can feel myself sinking into a deep, dark abyss, darker than I have ever imagined possible.

     "Is she alright?" I here someone say behind me, but it's almost all a blur. My world feels like it's spinning out of control, and I can't seem to take in all the surrounds me now.

     "We need to go tell Tris or she may lash out at us."

     I can't think.

     "Go, Bella. I think she's....."

     That's all I hear just as my whole world turns dark.


     I'm somewhere dark. I open my eyes to only blackness surrounding me and nothing more. I can't seem to recall what happened, but I feel like a part of me has died inside. What happened to me?

     "Alex." I hear a ghostly whisper say just as a cold wind blows past me. The voice sounds familiar but I can't think of who it could be.

     "Alex." I hear that same voice say again.

     i look around me and behind me, but there isn't anything other than darkness that I can see.

     "Hello?" I say loudly, making it echo in all directions.

     I feel like I should be afraid, but I'm not.

     "Alex." It sounds clearer this time and sounds like it is coming from behind me.

     I whip around and find myself face-to-face with Hazel who looks healthier and stronger. At that moment I realize what happened, but can't understand why I'm here.

     I stand there frozen in place, already knowing that she's dead, and even though I know that is true, I am not afraid.

     "Hazel." I say in almost a whisper.

     She gives me a small, sad smile and looks down at our feet. I follow my eyes down to where she is looking at and back up.

     When I look back up, I notice that our surroundings have changed. We are in the basement where the rebels were once sleeping, but are now running around in chaos.

     "They can't see us." Hazel says. "But we can see them."

     I look over at Leisel, who sits in the corner I slept in crying. Her head is tucked between her two, twig-like legs, and tears drip onto the floor. I quickly rush to her side and rest my hand on her arm.

     "She can't feel you either." Hazel says when I look up to meet her dark, chocolate, brown eyes.

     "Am I dreaming? Is this really happening now?" I say

     "You blacked out when you saw my body, and you're in a dream, but everything that is going on is actually happening."

     She looks over at Katniss who rushes toward Bella and Edward when they set, what looks like my body, down on a mat on the far side of the room.

     "Katniss knows that when you wake up, you won't be the same." Hazel says.

     "How do you know that?" I ask her.

     "Because she was almost in the same position you are in." She takes a deep breath. "Too many games. Too many deaths. Too much pressure. She couldn't handle it, but she made it through it all."

     I watch as Rudy rushes over to Leisel's side to comfort her, and I stand up and move out of the way.

     "So your not really here?" I ask.

     "There are things that are unexplainable and there are things that aren't, and this is one of those times." she says still staring at Katniss. "So that can be a yes or a no."

     I notice Evelyn at the top of the stairs, watching everyone run around the room trying to comfort each other while some are actually trying to handle the situation. She seems a little saddened, but strong. I wonder if she has gotten used to these kinds of things.

     "How long am I going to have to stay like this?" I say.

     Hazel looks back at me and bites her bottom lip.

     "Until your ready. All you have to do is touch an arm on your body."

     I look over at my body and approach it slowly. I can't shake the empty feeling in the pit of my stomch when I look at myself. I still look that same, but extremely pale. You could say that I actually look dead except for my chest slightly rising. My dark hair surrounds my head ,and my eyes are closed. Hazel told me that I can go back when I am ready, but, truthfully, I don't want to. It's peaceful here, although there is a constant worry about my surroundings and the people who can't see or feel me, I'm fine. There is only one thing tugging at me, and that is knowing that I'm their key. I'm suppose to lead them and take care of them. I've already lost one rebel and i refuse to lose all thirteen including Uriah, Zeke, Christina, and Will. I have to go back.

     I lay one hand on my right arm, and watch as a bright light ingulfs me and everything around me disappears.




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