Chapter 36

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     It's morning. I sit in my little corner in the basement scanning those documents one last time before our trip to Forks, Washington while the others are getting ready to go. Evelyn provided us with a water bottle and a can of food each to keep us going until we can find a place to stay in Forks. I hate that we are heading to Bella and Edward's home, but I can't be that way right now. I rather deal with them than us all be stuck in this war permanently.

 "Are you sure we need to leave this early after Hazel's death?" Katniss says, crouching down in front of me with her black backpack already on her back.

"The longer we wait, the more the chance of them bombing the new District 12 and finding out where the other rebels are staying and their plan. We can't risk that happening." I say.

Katniss nods and motions for Peeta to follow her up the stairs. I watch as they race up the stairs and disappear somewhere, and I continue scanning the documents.

When I finish, I quickly pack up my things and am one of the last up the stairs. I walk outside and dig the tube out of my backpack along with one of the knives that Finnick and Beetee packed for me. I run down the street where I directed everyone to meet up after they had packed and gotten their things ready. I notice that Will, Christina, Zeke, and Uriah are gone. I run up to Tobias who was talking with Peeta and ask him where they are. He tells me that they couldn't go and said that they were of no use to us since none have been close to Jeanine or were willing to fight in another war since the war with Erudite and the Factionless. I nod and stand away from the rebels who just notice me and take the knife to my wrist. I make a quick motion making my wrist bleed just enough to activate the tube. I drop of few drops of blood into the little hole at the end of the tube until a green light lights up which confirms that we are ready to go. I look around at the others and tell them to hold the other persons hand. They each reach out to the person next to them and make a long line across the street. I stand on the far end and take Tobias's hand in mine with the tube in my other hand. My thumb hovers over the green light as I try to focus on Bella and Edward and only them. I quickly press the green, glowing button and begin to feel that short weightlessness again just as before. Instead of falling over like last time, we all are prepared for the landing when we hit hard, solid earth.

     When I open my eyes, I look over at the others to make sure none of us got lost in the space. Everyone seems to be just fine, but I noticed that Leisel accidently landed on Rudy's foot. I laugh silently as Rudy playfully pushes her away from him and she pushes him back. I always thought they looked so cute together, but I would also have to say that to all of the fandoms because all of their lovers seem to be their match.

     "Is this Forks? It looks like the woods back in District 12 or.....the way it used to be." Katniss says while looking up at the trees.

     "Yes." Bella almost whispers. "This is definately Forks, Washington.

     We are in the woods surrounded by large oak trees. The leaves on the trees are dark shades of red, orange, and yellow while some others still have their usual shade of deep green. There is no path for us to follow, and there is no sign of any life except animal tracks in the dirt and birds singing in the trees.

     "How do you know?" Rudy says all of a sudden. Not once have I heard him actually ask a question until now.

     "Because when they appear in their world for the first time since they were taken out of it, they remember everything." I say butting into the conversation. "Bella and Edward just confirmed that."

     "You know what, you really are starting to sound like an Erudite." Tris says teasingly towards me.

     "Good to know." I say with a ghost of a smile.

     I look back towards Bella and Edward when I notice them sniffing the air. If there is one thing that I do know about vampires is that when they sniff the air, that means they are on to something.

     "Bella?" I say just as they stop sniffing the air. Edward and Bella look at each other with shock and say one name that I remember hearing in those documents that Evelyn gave me.


The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now