Chapter 20

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     We all look at each other in shock and fear clear in each and every one of our faces. We all hold one question in our minds and that is, "Where are we?"

     I look around at where we're at exactly, hoping that there are signs anywhere of where we could be. We are sitting with a large crowd of 16 year-olds dressed in black with some having piercings or strange colored hair. I look next to us and notice that everyone is grouped by color. The section of people next to us wear orange and yellow or anything bright, next to them is those wearing black and white, after that is those wearing blue, and on the far end is those wearing gray. They all are grouped by color of clothing but they all act different. The ones wearing black are loud while those wearing gray are extremely quiet and obedient when the man on the stage speaks into the microphone. Whatever world we are in must be put into groups just like Panem.

     Hazel tugs at my shirt sleeve and says, "Do you know where we are?"

     "No," I whisper to her. "But I think they are grouped like Panem."

     She looks around and nods.

     When the man speaks again, everyone in the building goes silent.

     "Our dependents are now sixteen. They stand on the precipice of adulthood, and it is now up to them to decide what kind of people they will be." The man says. "Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is not political ideaology, religious belief, race, or nationalism that is to blame for a warring world. Rather, they determined that it was the fault of human personality- of humankind's inclination toward evil, in whatever form that is. They divided into factions that sought to eradicate those qualities they believed responsible for the world's disarray."

     He waits a moment before continuing.

     "Those who blamed aggression formed Amity."

     I look around the room and spot the ones that wear orange, red, and yellow smiling at each other and exchanging a few words. I guess they are Amity.

     "Those who blamed ignorance became Erudite"

     The ones wearing blue look over at the other groups like they are higher than any of the others, intelligence gleaming in their eyes. That has to be where jeanine is from. The blue colored clothing and the look of intelligence clarifies her kind easily.

     "Those who blamed duplicity created Candor."

     The ones wearing black and white whisper to each other and look around at the other to see which group or faction, as the man said, is watching them.

     "Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation."

    My dad would be in that faction. He was always so selfless and kind to anyone that he came to. Just thinking about him makes me miss him, but I refuse to let those feeling and memories cloud my thoughts right now.

     Over on the far end, the ones wearing gray look around and nod at each other.

     "And those who blame cowardice were the Dauntless."

     We all jump just as the ones we are sitting with shout and stomp their feet. I look over at the other tributes and notice Tris smiling. Why is Tris smiling? Does she remember this?

     "Working together, these five factions have lived in peace for many years, each contributing to a different sector of society. Abnegation has fulfilled our need for selfless leaders in government; Candor has provided us with trustworthy and sound leaders in law; Erudite has supplied us with intelligent leaders teachers and researchers; Amity has given us understanding counselors and caretakers; and Dauntless provides us with protection from threats both within and without. But the reach of each faction is not limited to these areas. We give one another far morethan can be adequately summarized. In our factions, we find meaning, we find purpose, we find life." Everyone nods their heads and continues. "Apart from them, we would not survive."

     Everyone goes silent including us. This silence is a deadly silence. I think that these people are silent because of fear. I guess they are like Panem. They are scared and fear what would happen if their so called, factions, no longer exist. I think we can survive in this world....or at least...awhile.

     "Therefore this day marks a happy occasion- the day on which we receive our new initiates, who will work with us toward a better society and a better world."

     A round of applause from all the factions rises out of their seats then slowly dies down.

     I wonder what these initiates do in each faction and why they call them initiates.

     "As I call your name, please come forth and accept the knife that I give you. Then cut your wrist and drop a few drops of your blood into the bowl with the faction of your choice."

     The older man starts calling out names at random. I watch carefully as each 16-year-old approaches the stage, accepts the knife, cuts their wrist, and lets their blood drop into whatever bowl whose faction they choose. This sets me off for a moment. How are we going to do this? Bella and Edward have absolutely no blood in their bodies.

       Think...think..think...THINK!!! I say to myself. I look over at the others in horror and see that they look horrified to. They are thinking exactly what I am thinking. There has to be no vampires here so that means that we will have to try to find a way to fool the audience or get caught and possibly end up dead.

     Bella and Edward, who sit side by side, look at me with worry. I can't let them get caught. I won't even though they definately have the ability to kill everyone here, we need to lay low.

     An idea quickly pops into my head. What if they use my blood? It's not like they're going to be on a huge screen while doing it.

     I quickly take Bella's hand and pull back the long sleeves on her shirt. Her and Edward were the only ones who wore long sleeves along with Hazel because she gets cold a lot easier than the rest of us. I lay her arm down and start scratching at my leg to draw blood. People who are watching us will think that I hurt my leg and Bella is helping me. Hopefully that will fool them. When I finally draw a lot of blood, I take Bella's wrist and scoop up half the blood that comes out on my leg to where it balances on her wrist and cover it back up with her shirt sleeve. I tell her to try to keep from drinking it and to balance it all on her wrist considering it's a large amount of blood.

     I quickly do the same for Edward and he seems more calm than Bella is right now. She looks like she's going to kill someone. Probably from the blood that sits finely on her wrist.

     "Beatrice Prior." The man calls and we all freeze. I think they realize who that person is now.

     Tris stands and walks calmly to the bowl. She seems calm like I said but she also seems nervous and unsure. That's when I realize what's going on. Whatever she picks, we'll have to pick. I didn't even think about discussing this before. All I was worried about was Bella and Edward blowing our cover.

     I grip my hand with my other wrist and squeeze it tight. What if she chooses wrong? What if we end up in a faction far away from the enemy? We need to stay close and figure out what she is planning in Erudite. That is where she is. I know it is.

     Tris walks up the steps leading to the stage and accepts the knife. She quickly walks to the bowls and hesitates for a moment. I see her waver between the bowl with the stones and the bowl with the coals instead of the water that I know represents Erudite. She swiftly cuts her wrist and holds it for a moment thinking upon what to choose.

       Erudite....Erudite.....Erudite I say to myself just before I watch a drop of her blood sizel on the coals. My first thought is.....Dauntless.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now