Chapter 1

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My dear Linnéa,

I am afraid that the time we feared would come is now at hand. Erebor begins to feel the might of the darkness festering from Mordor. The soil has become poisoned Nearly half of the crops in Dale have not survived the harvest. Panic and fear have begun to set in with more sightings of Wild Men at our borders and a handful of innocent people have met terrible ends.

Nonetheless, we persist. With a food shortage, rations are being handed out and as yah suggested, I have opened our doors to those seeking refuge. It has been a bit snug in Erebor as of late. Even those pointy-eared twinkle toes south of us are beginning to feel the effects of Sauron. And dare I say it that I witnessed that good for nothing king's forces aid our people to safety. For the time being the races seem to have a silent accord, yet the air remains tense in their presence. I have yet to see that Elf's face among the fray though. Still... he has offered some of his own people's provisions to us for the time being. In a sense not all hope is lost even in our darkest hours.

But we cannot hold out forever. I know not where yah are at this very moment, but I worry for yer safety. We all do. I have half a mind to order yah to turn that horse around and come galloping home. But I know that will fall on deaf ears. I only ask that yah be careful, and that goes for Gimli as well. I can feel my health failing once again as the hour grows darker. I am not the only one who is affected by this. I have heard a rumor that the highborn Elves of Mirkwood and those that possess certain talents in Dale have become very ill gradually. I do not have to be a strung up goldilocks to feel it in the air.

Keep yer wits about yah and stand firm. And though it may be hard, given the circumstances, stay out of trouble for yer own good. But give those that dare to stand against yah hell. We will hold out till the end, no matter the outcome that befalls this land. To the last Dwarf.

King Dáin

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