Chapter 9

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Those from Edoras were the first to arrive in the White Mountains claiming the higher cliffs that overlooked a large open stretch of land below. They removed everything from their horses, a handful of men taking on the task of setting the tents. While others began to gather firewood and create fire pits for when evening set in. Below, they could begin to hear the arrival of other villages throughout Rohan. Aragorn stepped up to the edge of the cliff gaining a clear view of their growing forces. The banners came from every corner of the land and soon the once empty space became filled to the tree line on the other side. A few generals and captains rode up the winding path carved into the side of the cliff to meet with those from Edoras before heading back down to their waiting company.

Meanwhile, Linnéa watched amused as Gimli began to unload the tent she meant to use. Though the princess was more than capable of building it herself, the Dwarf insisted on setting it up. Of course it was to one up the Elf, who took the tent he was to share with her comrade and began to prepare it himself. Of course Legolas didn't want help, and had no trouble assembling it. Which is what led to the situation in front of her watching Gimli nearly trip on a rod lying on the ground. It was a bit of a mess.

"What is he trying to do?" Éomer asked. The Horse-lord stopped by her side in mild confusion. Listening to the Dwarf cursing under his breath in his language.

"Set up a tent," she answered. "But he's only set up ones used for Dwarves."

With the pieces being twice and three times his size it proved difficult for him to keep it standing. The two watching nearly broke into fits of laughter when Gimli nearly took out the shoulder of someone passing by, having swung around a rod without looking.

"How long till you stop him?" Éomer wondered.

"Maybe a few more minutes," Linnéa answered. "Otherwise I won't have a tent by nightfall."

Finished setting up his tent, the Elf stood to admire his work and make sure everything was properly placed. However, turning to face the plot of land next to him made Legolas pause. Gimli made no progress, having stripped from the outer armor as sweat collected on his brow from the effort put into the task. He found Linnéa watching in amusement beside Éomer, before she finally moved forward and began to lift the tall poles. Of course the Dwarf protested instantly to not trouble herself. The princess silenced him with a few choice words in Dwarvish that made the warrior follow her directions without hesitation.

"As much as I appreciate this, Gimli, I will be sleeping on the ground rolled up in this tarp at this rate," Linnéa teased.

Below, rows of tents began to set up, fire pits were made, and meals were prepared for a long night ahead. Those from Edoras helped in the effort to keep everything organized, beginning to count the heads to see what kind of a chance they held. Among the gathering soldiers rode Théoden with his most trusted riders.

"Make way for the king!" Gamling proclaimed.

It gained the attention of all in the immediate area. Many stood to attention out of respect. Meanwhile, the king waved to greet those who did so in return when someone caught his eye.

"Grimbold, how many?" Théoden asked.

"I bring five hundred men from the Westfold, my lord," the said man answered.

And another chimed in shortly after, "We have three hundred more from Fenmarch, Théoden King"

"Where are the riders from Snowbourn?" Théoden wondered.

"None have come, my lord," Gamling answered.

Nodding grimly, the two rode towards the high cliff and up the path to the top. Dismounting, a soldier led the horse away as the king stood at the edge of the crag. For hours he watched more pour in feeling relieved that so many spears were arriving. But as the sun started to set the number of households riding in began to diminish. The king ordered to hear the headcount. The number presented to him had a grave look coming over the man's features when Aragorn joined his side.

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