Chapter 8

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Though all had been quiet in Edoras that did not mean those within the household sat around doing nothing. King Théoden planned alongside Éomer and his other generals on how to be sure the land of Rohan remained well protected in case of another attack. Though the enemy did not seem to be moving in their direction, none wished to be caught off guard like the last time. Linnéa, Legolas, and Gimli were among the group, but more so watched silently as the men poured over the maps. Thinking of how to divide their troops properly. Éowyn kindly brought them meals in the middle of the day, thankfully cooked by the kitchens, to fill their growling stomachs so none had to leave the room. But the princess knew full well that if Gandalf ever sent for them all of these plans would most likely be thrown out the window.

"Shouldn't we have heard from Gondor by now?" Gimli grumbled.

"You don't know the Steward of Gondor." Linnéa spoke lowly. "He's an arrogant man whose pride means more to him than the safety of his people. But it's not only that we have to worry about. Gandalf can convince any hard headed ruler to see the error of their ways and instill courage in the most beaten Men." She sighed. "He's the father of Boromir." That shocked the two by her side, heads snapping in her direction with wide eyes. "If he's discovered that Boromir is dead... Gandalf will have his work cut out for him. As the eldest son, he was definitely the favorite and his death will hit him very hard."

"But his people..."

"Boromir was his pride and joy. He's already an unstable man, I pray he hasn't heard anything for the sake of Gondor."

Suddenly, the door to the main hall was thrown open with such force the wooden doors hit the walls with a crash. It drew all eyes in the room towards the sound. Aragorn rushed towards them, a bit out of breath from his haste, but shouted,

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!"

The man then nearly stumbled to a stop in front of the table from the abrupt movement. The silence hung thickly in the room as all stared at the Ranger, whose voice lowered to a more normal level as he stared down the king.

"Gondor calls for aid."

All waited with baited breath for the ruler's decision on the matter. Many realized their discussions in the last few days would either be put into effect, should Théoden place Rohan above anyone else, or thrown out the window. Their next course of action could decide everything. Gondor never came to the aid of Edoras so the king had a reason for returning the favor to teach them a lesson about what it truly meant to be called allies.

"And Rohan will answer," Théoden spoke. The comment seemed to surprise many in the room. The man lifted his hand from the table, allowing the map to roll back up. "Muster the Rohirrim."

Soldiers rushed about the room, many out the door to give the king's order. Those part of the Fellowship raced to gather their things before moving towards the stables for their horses. There many were already mounting, a stable boy buckling the saddle strap into place and Linnéa thanked him. Legolas mounted the white steed, the princess helping her comrade climb onto the back.

"I will meet you outside," she stated.

Taking the bridal from the peg on the wall the princess coaxed the animal to take the mouth strap between its teeth. The horse shook its mane and neighed. The puff of air had the stray strands of hair surrounding her face to blow about. She nudged the stallion in reply.

"Behave," she muttered. Noticing that the stable next to hers was now occupied, the princess glanced over to see Éomer checking over his equipped horse. "How far will you ride?"

The question drew the Horse-lord's attention. It was no secret that his job was to gather every able hand throughout the lands to join their brigade to Gondor. Still, time wasn't on their side.

"To the far corners of Rohan," he answered. "Gamling is being sent out as well."

He paused before mounting his horse, turning again to watch Linnéa climb into her saddle.

"If it's not too much to ask... I know the king and you are not on great terms..."

The princess cocked a brow in his direction wondering where this was going. Éomer wasn't blind to see the tension between the two at times. Though it grew better since the Battle of Helm's Deep. Still, he remained uncertain how long those terms would last between two natural leaders. But he had to ask,

"In my absence, can you please keep an eye on the king until I return."

"I don't think he would agree to that idea," Linnéa admitted.

"Humor me and do it in secret if you must."

How could she say no to that request?

"Very well," she said. "I will try my best and stay nearby if something happens."

"At least until you reach the campsite. There he will be guarded. And I am certain the enemy wouldn't be so bold as to attack our gathering army. It's on the road that worries me."

Another attack of a Warg pack could be possible.

"I will keep an eye on your uncle."

"Thank you." The man mounted as an aid came forward with his helmet to wear. "I will see you in a few days."

"Ride swiftly and safely."

Nodding, the man directed his steed from the stables.

"Milady?" Turning away she looked to a soldier she helped train only days ago. "Will there be any assistance you need?"

"No, that won't be necessary." Nudging her horse forward they left to join the others.

A bell began to sound. The remaining soldiers rushed from homes fully clothed in armor, strapping their weapons and arm guards into place. Legolas and Gimli watched as a few of the king's men readied to leave the gates to seek out more riders. Gamling and Éomer were within their party.

"Horse-men," Gimli scoffed. "I wish we could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy."

"Your kingsmen may have no need to ride to war," Legolas said. "I fear war already marches on their own lands."

He wasn't certain how much Linnéa told the Dwarf of what King Dáin said in the letter. A quick glance at his solemn expression said it all.

"An army of Dwarves ready for battle hasn't been seen in a lifetime," the princess stated. She rode up alongside them. In the crowd her eyes found Théoden. "Let us hope it remains that way."

"Now is the hour, riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken," Éomer proclaimed. "Now, fulfill them all. To lord and land!"

The men cheered in response. A quarter of their riders left and separated beyond the walls. Meanwhile, the rest looked to the king, who held his sword high overhead to gain their attention.

"We ride swiftly and without rest until we reach Dunharrow!" he shouted. "To arms, all of you! For our lands!"

Those from Rohan cheered, while the Fellowship watched. Aragorn joined the three as they shared a look between each other.

"Will enough come?" Linnéa questioned. She spoke in Elvish so none around them could possibly hear doubt.

"We have to hope," Aragorn answered. "We have gone up against greater odds before."

Yes, they had. The Horse-men began spilling out the gate, leaving a few behind to guard Edoras in their place. Nudging their horses forward to join the riders upon passing the great doors they started at a trot before breaking into a full cantor to speed up their travel towards the White Mountains.

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